Scale up Flax Modules on multiple devices#

This guide shows how to scale up Flax Modules on multiple devices and hosts using jax.jit (formerly experimental.pjit) and flax.linen.

Flax and jax.jit scaled up#

jax.jit follows the Single Program Multi Data (SPMD) paradigm and automatically compiles your code to run it on multiple devices. You need to only specify how you want the input and output of your code to be partitioned, and the compiler will figure out how to: 1) partition everything inside; and 2) compile inter-device communications.

Flax provides several functionalities that can help you use auto-SPMD on Flax Modules, including:

  1. An interface to specify partitions of your data when defining flax.linen.Module.

  2. Utility functions to generate the sharding information that jax.jit requires to run.

  3. An interface to customize your axis names called “logical axis annotations” to decouple both your Module code and partition plan to experiment with different partition layouts more easily.

You can learn more about jax.jit APIs for scaling up in JAX in multi-process environments and Distributed arrays and automatic parallelization on JAX’s documentation site.


Import some necessary dependencies.

Note: This guide uses the --xla_force_host_platform_device_count=8 flag to emulate multiple devices in a CPU environment in a Google Colab/Jupyter Notebook. You don’t need this if you are already using a multi-device TPU environment.

# Once Flax v0.6.10 is released, there is no need to do this.
# ! pip3 install -qq "git+"
import os
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = '--xla_force_host_platform_device_count=8'
import functools
from typing import Optional, Callable

import numpy as np
import jax
from jax import lax, random, numpy as jnp

import flax
from flax import struct, traverse_util, linen as nn
from flax.core import freeze, unfreeze
from import train_state, checkpoints

import optax # Optax for common losses and optimizers.
WARNING:absl:Tensorflow library not found, operations will use native shim calls. GCS paths (i.e. 'gs://...') cannot be accessed.
print(f'We have 8 fake JAX devices now: {jax.devices()}')
We have 8 fake JAX devices now: [CpuDevice(id=0), CpuDevice(id=1), CpuDevice(id=2), CpuDevice(id=3), CpuDevice(id=4), CpuDevice(id=5), CpuDevice(id=6), CpuDevice(id=7)]

The code below shows how to import and set up the JAX-level device API, following JAX’s Distributed arrays and automatic parallelization guide:

  1. Start a 2x4 device mesh (8 devices) using JAX’s mesh_utils.create_device_mesh. This layout is the same as the one of a TPU v3-8.

  2. Annotate each axis with a name using the axis_names parameter in jax.sharding.Mesh. A typical way to annotate axis names is axis_name=('data', 'model'), where:

  • 'data': the mesh dimension used for data-parallel sharding of the batch dimension of inputs and activations.

  • 'model': the mesh dimension used for sharding parameters of the model across devices.

  1. Make a simple utility function mesh_sharding for generating a sharding object from the mesh and any layout.

from jax.sharding import Mesh, PartitionSpec, NamedSharding
from jax.lax import with_sharding_constraint
from jax.experimental import mesh_utils
# Create a mesh and annotate each axis with a name.
device_mesh = mesh_utils.create_device_mesh((2, 4))

mesh = Mesh(devices=device_mesh, axis_names=('data', 'model'))

def mesh_sharding(pspec: PartitionSpec) -> NamedSharding:
  return NamedSharding(mesh, pspec)
[[CpuDevice(id=0) CpuDevice(id=1) CpuDevice(id=2) CpuDevice(id=3)]
 [CpuDevice(id=4) CpuDevice(id=5) CpuDevice(id=6) CpuDevice(id=7)]]
Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4)

Define a layer#

Before defining a simple model, create an example layer called DotReluDot (by subclassing flax.linen.Module). The layer creates two parameters W1 and W2 for dot product multiplication, and uses the jax.nn.relu (ReLU) activation function in-between.

To shard the parameters efficiently, apply the following APIs to annotate the parameters and intermediate variables:

  1. Use flax.linen.with_partitioning to decorate the initializer function when creating sub-layers or raw parameters.

  2. Apply jax.lax.with_sharding_constraint (formerly, pjit.with_sharding_constraint) to annotate intermediate variables like y and z to force a particular sharding pattern when the ideal constraint is known.

  • This step is optional, but can sometimes help auto-SPMD to partition efficiently. In the example below, the call is not required, because XLA will figure out the same sharding layout for y and z regardless.

class DotReluDot(nn.Module):
  depth: int
  dense_init: Callable = nn.initializers.xavier_normal()
  def __call__(self, x):

    y = nn.Dense(self.depth,
                 kernel_init=nn.with_partitioning(self.dense_init, (None, 'model')),
                 use_bias=False,  # or overwrite with `bias_init`

    y = jax.nn.relu(y)
    # Force a local sharding annotation.
    y = with_sharding_constraint(y, mesh_sharding(PartitionSpec('data', 'model')))

    W2 = self.param(
        nn.with_partitioning(self.dense_init, ('model', None)),
        (self.depth, x.shape[-1]))

    z =, W2)
    # Force a local sharding annotation.
    z = with_sharding_constraint(z, mesh_sharding(PartitionSpec('data', None)))

    # Return a tuple to conform with the API `flax.linen.scan` as shown in the cell below.
    return z, None

Note that device axis names like 'data', 'model' or None are passed into both flax.linen.with_partitioning and jax.lax.with_sharding_constraint API calls. This refers to how each dimension of this data should be sharded — either across one of the device mesh dimensions, or not sharded at all.

For example:

  • When you define W1 with shape (x.shape[-1], self.depth) and annotate as (None, 'model'):

    • The first dimension (of length x.shape[-1]) will be replicated across all devices.

    • The second dimension (of length self.depth) will be sharded over the 'model' axis of the device mesh. This means W1 will be sharded 4-way on devices (0, 4), (1, 5), (2, 6) and (3, 7), on this dimension.

  • When you annotate the output z as ('data', None):

    • The first dimension — the batch dimension — will be sharded over the 'data' axis. This means half of the batch will be processed on devices 0-3 (first four devices), and another half on devices 4-7 (the remaining four devices).

    • The second dimension — the data depth dimension — will be replicated across all devices.

Define a model with flax.linen.scan lifted transformation#

Having created DotReluDot, you can now define the MLP model (by subclassing flax.linen.Module) as multiple layers of DotReluDot.

To replicate identical layers, you can either use flax.linen.scan, or a for-loop:

  • flax.linen.scan can provide faster compilation times.

  • The for-loop can be faster on runtime.

The code below shows how to apply both methods, and default with the for-loop, so that all the parameters are two-dimensional and you can visualize their sharding.

The flax.linen.scan code is just to show that this API works with Flax lifted transforms.

class MLP(nn.Module):
  num_layers: int
  depth: int
  use_scan: bool
  def __call__(self, x):
    if self.use_scan:
      x, _ = nn.scan(DotReluDot, length=self.num_layers,
                     variable_axes={"params": 0},
                     split_rngs={"params": True},
                     metadata_params={nn.PARTITION_NAME: None}
      for i in range(self.num_layers):
        x, _ = DotReluDot(self.depth)(x)
    return x

Now, create a model instance, and a sample input x.

# MLP hyperparameters.
BATCH, LAYERS, DEPTH, USE_SCAN = 8, 4, 1024, False
# Create fake inputs.
x = jnp.ones((BATCH, DEPTH))
# Initialize a PRNG key.
k = random.key(0)

# Create an Optax optimizer.
optimizer = optax.adam(learning_rate=0.001)
# Instantiate the model.

Specify sharding#

Next, you need to tell jax.jit how to shard our data across devices.

The input’s sharding#

For data parallelism, you can shard the batched input x across the data axis by denoting the batch axis as 'data'. Then, use jax.device_put to place it onto the correct devices.

x_sharding = mesh_sharding(PartitionSpec('data', None)) # dimensions: (batch, length)
x = jax.device_put(x, x_sharding)
│                                                                              │
│                                 CPU 0,1,2,3                                  │
│                                                                              │
│                                                                              │
│                                                                              │
│                                 CPU 4,5,6,7                                  │
│                                                                              │
│                                                                              │

The output’s sharding#

You need to compile model.init() (that is, flax.linen.Module.init()), and its output as a pytree of parameters. Additionally, you may sometimes need wrap it with a to track other variables, such as optimizer states, and that would make the output an even more complex pytree.

To achieve this, luckily, you don’t have to hardcode the output’s sharding by hand. Instead, you can:

  1. Evaluate model.init (in this case, a wrapper of it) abstractly using jax.eval_shape.

  2. Use flax.linen.get_sharding to automatically generate the jax.sharding.NamedSharding.

    • This step utilizes the flax.linen.with_partitioning annotations in the earlier definition to generate the correct sharding for the parameters.

def init_fn(k, x, model, optimizer):
  variables = model.init(k, x) # Initialize the model.
  state = train_state.TrainState.create( # Create a `TrainState`.
  return state
# Create an abstract closure to wrap the function before feeding it in
# because `jax.eval_shape` only takes pytrees as arguments.
abstract_variables = jax.eval_shape(
    functools.partial(init_fn, model=model, optimizer=optimizer), k, x)

# This `state_sharding` has the same pytree structure as `state`, the output
# of the `init_fn`.
state_sharding = nn.get_sharding(abstract_variables, mesh)
TrainState(step=NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec()), apply_fn=<bound method Module.apply of MLP(
    # attributes
    num_layers = 4
    depth = 1024
    use_scan = False
)>, params={'DotReluDot_0': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_1': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_2': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_3': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}}, tx=GradientTransformationExtraArgs(init=<function chain.<locals>.init_fn at 0x33e134280>, update=<function chain.<locals>.update_fn at 0x33e134430>), opt_state=(ScaleByAdamState(count=NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec()), mu={'DotReluDot_0': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_1': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_2': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_3': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}}, nu={'DotReluDot_0': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_1': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_2': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}, 'DotReluDot_3': {'Dense_0': {'kernel': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))}, 'W2': NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec('model', None))}}), EmptyState()))

Compile the code#

Now you can apply jax.jit to your init_fn, but with two extra arguments: in_shardings and out_shardings.

Run it to get the initialized_state, in which parameters are sharded exactly as instructed:

jit_init_fn = jax.jit(init_fn, static_argnums=(2, 3),
                      in_shardings=(mesh_sharding(()), x_sharding),  # PRNG key and x

initialized_state = jit_init_fn(k, x, model, optimizer)

# for weight, partitioned in initialized_state.params['DotReluDot_0'].items():
#     print(f'Sharding of {weight}: {partitioned.names}')
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│CPU 0,4│CPU 1,5│CPU 2,6│CPU 3,7│
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│        CPU 0,4        │
│        CPU 1,5        │
│        CPU 2,6        │
│        CPU 3,7        │

Inspect the Module output#

Note that in the output of initialized_state, the params W1 and W2 are of type flax.linen.Partitioned. This is a wrapper around the actual jax.Array that allows Flax to record the axis names associated with it.

You can access the raw jax.Arrays by calling flax.linen.meta.unbox() upon the dictionary, or call .value upon individual variable. You can also use flax.linen.meta.replace_boxed() to change the underlying jax.Array without modifying the sharding annotations.

<class 'flax.core.meta.Partitioned'>
<class 'jaxlib.xla_extension.ArrayImpl'>
(None, 'model')
(1024, 1024)
# Say for some unknown reason you want to make the whole param tree all-zero
unboxed_params = nn.meta.unbox(initialized_state.params)
all_zero =, unboxed_params)
all_zero_params = nn.meta.replace_boxed(initialized_state.params, all_zero)
assert jnp.sum(nn.meta.unbox(all_zero_params['DotReluDot_0']['Dense_0']['kernel'])) == 0

You can also check the underlying jax.sharding of each parameter, which is now more internal than NamedSharding. Note that numbers like initialized_state.step are replicated across all devices.

NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec(None, 'model'))
NamedSharding(mesh=Mesh('data': 2, 'model': 4), spec=PartitionSpec())

You can use jax.tree_util.tree_map to perform mass computation on a dict of boxed params, in the same way as on a dict of JAX arrays.

diff = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
    lambda a, b: a - b,
    initialized_state.params['DotReluDot_0'], initialized_state.params['DotReluDot_0'])
print(jax.tree_util.tree_map(jnp.shape, diff))
diff_array = diff['Dense_0']['kernel'].value
{'Dense_0': {'kernel': Partitioned(value=(1024, 1024), names=(None, 'model'), mesh=None)}, 'W2': Partitioned(value=(1024, 1024), names=('model', None), mesh=None)}
<class 'jaxlib.xla_extension.ArrayImpl'>
(1024, 1024)

Compile the train step and inference#

Create a jitted training step as follows:

@functools.partial(jax.jit, in_shardings=(state_sharding, x_sharding),
def train_step(state, x):
  # A fake loss function.
  def loss_unrolled(params):
    y = model.apply({'params': params}, x)
    return y.sum()
  grad_fn = jax.grad(loss_unrolled)
  grads = grad_fn(state.params)
  state = state.apply_gradients(grads=grads)
  return state

with mesh:
  new_state = train_step(initialized_state, x)
print(f'Sharding of Weight 1:')
print(f'Sharding of Weight 2:')
Sharding of Weight 1:
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│CPU 0,4│CPU 1,5│CPU 2,6│CPU 3,7│
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
Sharding of Weight 2:
│        CPU 0,4        │
│        CPU 1,5        │
│        CPU 2,6        │
│        CPU 3,7        │

Then, create a compiled inference step. Note that the output is also sharded along (data, None).

@functools.partial(jax.jit, in_shardings=(state_sharding, x_sharding),
def apply_fn(state, x):
  return state.apply_fn({'params': state.params}, x)

with mesh:
  y = apply_fn(new_state, x)
<class 'jaxlib.xla_extension.ArrayImpl'>
(8, 1024)
│                                                                              │
│                                 CPU 0,1,2,3                                  │
│                                                                              │
│                                                                              │
│                                                                              │
│                                 CPU 4,5,6,7                                  │
│                                                                              │
│                                                                              │


If you are running on a TPU pod or a pod slice, you can use a custom block_all utility function, as defined below, to measure the performance:


def block_all(xs):
  jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.block_until_ready(), xs)
  return xs

with mesh:
  new_state = block_all(train_step(initialized_state, x))
20.9 ms ± 319 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Logical axis annotation#

JAX’s automatic SPMD encourages users to explore different sharding layouts to find the optimal one. To this end, in Flax you actually can annotate the dimensions of any data with more descriptive axis names (not just device mesh axis names like 'data' and 'model').

The LogicalDotReluDot and LogicalMLP Module definition below are similar to the Modules you created earlier, except for the following:

  1. All axes are annotated with more concrete, meaningful names, such as 'embed', 'hidden', 'batch' and 'layer'. These names are referred to as logical axis names in Flax. They make the dimensional changes inside model definitions more readable.

  2. flax.linen.with_logical_partitioning replaces flax.linen.with_partitioning; and flax.linen.with_logical_constraint replaces jax.lax.with_sharding_constraint, to recognize the logical axis names.

class LogicalDotReluDot(nn.Module):
  depth: int
  dense_init: Callable = nn.initializers.xavier_normal()
  def __call__(self, x):
    y = nn.Dense(self.depth,
                 kernel_init=nn.with_logical_partitioning(self.dense_init, ('embed', 'hidden')),
                 use_bias=False,  # or overwrite with `bias_init`

    y = jax.nn.relu(y)
    # Force a local sharding annotation.
    y = with_sharding_constraint(y, mesh_sharding(PartitionSpec('data', 'model')))

    W2 = self.param(
        nn.with_logical_partitioning(self.dense_init, ('hidden', 'embed')),
        (self.depth, x.shape[-1]))

    z =, W2)
    # Force a local sharding annotation.
    z = nn.with_logical_constraint(z, ('batch', 'embed'))
    return z, None

class LogicalMLP(nn.Module):
  num_layers: int
  depth: int
  use_scan: bool
  def __call__(self, x):
    if self.use_scan:
      x, _ = nn.scan(LogicalDotReluDot, length=self.num_layers,
                    variable_axes={"params": 0},
                    split_rngs={"params": True},
                    metadata_params={nn.PARTITION_NAME: 'layer'}
      for i in range(self.num_layers):
        x, _ = LogicalDotReluDot(self.depth)(x)
    return x

Now, initiate a model and try to figure out what sharding its state should have.

To allow the device mesh to take your model correctly, you need to decide which of these logical axis names are mapped to the device axis 'data' or 'model'. This rule is a list of (logical_axis_name, device_axis_name) tuples, and flax.linen.logical_to_mesh_sharding will convert them to the kind of sharding that the device mesh can understand.

This allows you to change the rules and try out new partition layouts without modifying the model definition.

# Unspecified rule means unsharded by default, so no need to specify `('embed', None)` and `('layer', None)`.
rules = (('batch', 'data'),
         ('hidden', 'model'))

logical_model = LogicalMLP(LAYERS, DEPTH, USE_SCAN)

logical_abstract_variables = jax.eval_shape(
    functools.partial(init_fn, model=logical_model, optimizer=optimizer), k, x)
logical_state_spec = nn.get_partition_spec(logical_abstract_variables)
print('annotations are logical, not mesh-specific: ',

logical_state_sharding = nn.logical_to_mesh_sharding(logical_state_spec, mesh, rules)
print('sharding annotations are mesh-specific: ',
annotations are logical, not mesh-specific:  PartitionSpec('embed', 'hidden')
sharding annotations are mesh-specific:  PartitionSpec(None, 'model')

You can verify that the logical_state_spec here has the same content as state_spec in the previous (“non-logical”) example. This allows you to jax.jit your Module’s flax.linen.Module.init and flax.linen.Module.apply the same way in the above above.

state_sharding.params['DotReluDot_0'] == logical_state_sharding.params['LogicalDotReluDot_0']
logical_jit_init_fn = jax.jit(init_fn, static_argnums=(2, 3),
                      in_shardings=(mesh_sharding(()), x_sharding),  # PRNG key and x

logical_initialized_state = logical_jit_init_fn(k, x, logical_model, optimizer)
print(f'Sharding of Weight 1:')
print(f'Sharding of Weight 2:')
Sharding of Weight 1:
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│CPU 0,4│CPU 1,5│CPU 2,6│CPU 3,7│
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
│       │       │       │       │
Sharding of Weight 2:
│        CPU 0,4        │
│        CPU 1,5        │
│        CPU 2,6        │
│        CPU 3,7        │

When to use device axis / logical axis#

Choosing when to use a device or logical axis depends on how much you want to control the partitioning of your model:

  • Device mesh axis: If you want a very simple model, or you are very confident of your way of partitioning, defining it with device mesh axis can potentially save you a few extra lines of code of converting the logical naming back to the device naming.

  • Logical naming: On the other hand, the logical naming helpers can be useful for exploring different sharding layouts. Use this if you want to experiment around and find the most optimal partition layout for your model.

  • Device axis names: In really advanced use cases, you may have more complicated sharding patterns that require annotating activation dimension names differently from parameter dimension names. If you wish to have more fine-grained control on manual mesh assignments, directly using device axis names could be more helpful.

Save the data#

To save the cross-device array, you can use, as shown in the Save and load checkpoints guide - Multi-host/multi-process checkpointing. This is especially required if you are running on a multi-host environment (for example, a TPU pod).

In practice, you might want to save the raw jax.Array pytree as checkpoint, instead of the wrapped Partitioned values, to reduce complexity. You can restore it as-is and put it back into an annotated pytree with flax.linen.meta.replace_boxed().

Keep in mind that to restore the arrays to the desired partition, you need to provide a sample target pytree that has the same structure and has the desired jax.sharding.Sharding in place for each JAX array. The sharding you use to restore the array doesn’t necessarily need to be the same as the ones you used to store the array.