
In general, JAX transformations (transforms) operate on pytrees of jax.Arrays and abide by value semantics. This presents a challenge for Flax NNX, which represents nnx.Modules as regular Python objects that follow reference semantics. To address this, Flax NNX introduced its own set of transforms that extend JAX transforms to allow nnx.Modules and other Flax NNX objects to be passed in and out of transforms while preserving reference semantics.

Flax NNX transforms should feel quite familiar if you have used JAX transforms before. They use the same APIs and behave like the JAX transforms when only working with pytrees of jax.Arrays. However, when working with Flax NNX objects, they allow Python’s reference semantics to be preserved for these objects, this includes:

  • Preserving shared references across multiple objects in the inputs and outputs of the transformation.

  • Propagating any state changes made to the objects inside the transformation to the objects outside the transformation.

  • Enforcing consistency of how objects are transformed when aliases are present across multiple inputs and outputs.

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp, random
from flax import nnx

Throughout this guide, nnx.vmap is used as a case study to demonstrate how Flax NNX transforms work. However, the principles outlined in this document extends to all transforms.

Basic example#

To begin, let’s look at a simple example of using nnx.vmap to extend an element wise vector_dot function to work on batched inputs. We will define a Weights Module with no methods to hold some parameters, these weights will be passed as an input to the vector_dot function along with some data. Both the weights and data will be batched on axis 0 and we will use nnx.vmap to apply vector_dot to each batch element, and the result will be a batched on axis 1:

class Weights(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, kernel: jax.Array, bias: jax.Array):
    self.kernel, self.bias = nnx.Param(kernel), nnx.Param(bias)

weights = Weights(
  kernel=random.uniform(random.key(0), (10, 2, 3)),
  bias=jnp.zeros((10, 3)),
x = jax.random.normal(random.key(1), (10, 2))

def vector_dot(weights: Weights, x: jax.Array):
  assert weights.kernel.ndim == 2, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  assert x.ndim == 1, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  return x @ weights.kernel + weights.bias

y = nnx.vmap(vector_dot, in_axes=0, out_axes=1)(weights, x)

print(f'{y.shape = }')
y.shape = (3, 10)

Notice that in_axes interacts naturally with the Weights Module, treating it as if it were a pytree of jax.Arrays. Prefix patterns are also allowed, so in_axes=(0, 0) would have also worked in this case.

Objects are also allowed as outputs of Flax NNX transforms, which can be useful to transform initializers. For example, you can define a create_weights function to create an single Weights nnx.Module, and use nnx.vmap to create a stack of Weights with the same shapes as before:

def create_weights(seed: jax.Array):
  return Weights(
    kernel=random.uniform(random.key(seed), (2, 3)),

seeds = jnp.arange(10)
weights = nnx.vmap(create_weights)(seeds)

Transforming methods#

Methods in Python are just functions that take the instance as the first argument, this means that you can decorate methods from Module and other Flax NNX subtypes. For example, we can refactor Weights from the previous example and decorate __init__ with vmap to do the work of create_weights, and add a __call__ method and decorate it with @nnx.vmap to do the work of vector_dot:

class WeightStack(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, seed: jax.Array):
    self.kernel = nnx.Param(random.uniform(random.key(seed), (2, 3)))
    self.bias = nnx.Param(jnp.zeros((3,)))

  @nnx.vmap(in_axes=0, out_axes=1)
  def __call__(self, x: jax.Array):
    assert self.kernel.ndim == 2, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
    assert x.ndim == 1, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
    return x @ self.kernel + self.bias

weights = WeightStack(jnp.arange(10))

x = jax.random.normal(random.key(1), (10, 2))
y = weights(x)

print(f'{y.shape = }')
y.shape = (3, 10)

The rest of the guide will focus on transforming individual functions. But do note that all examples can be written in this method style.

State propagation#

So far our functions have been stateless. However, the real power of Flax NNX transforms comes when you have stateful functions, because one of their main features is to propagate state changes to preserve reference semantics. Let’s update the previous example by adding a count attribute to Weights and incrementing it in the new stateful_vector_dot function:

class Count(nnx.Variable): pass

class Weights(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, kernel: jax.Array, bias: jax.Array, count: jax.Array):
    self.kernel, self.bias = nnx.Param(kernel), nnx.Param(bias)
    self.count = Count(count)

weights = Weights(
  kernel=random.uniform(random.key(0), (10, 2, 3)),
  bias=jnp.zeros((10, 3)),
x = jax.random.normal(random.key(1), (10, 2))

def stateful_vector_dot(weights: Weights, x: jax.Array):
  assert weights.kernel.ndim == 2, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  assert x.ndim == 1, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  weights.count += 1
  return x @ weights.kernel + weights.bias

y = nnx.vmap(stateful_vector_dot, in_axes=0, out_axes=1)(weights, x)

Count( # 10 (40 B)
  value=Array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10], dtype=int32)

After running stateful_vector_dot once, you verified that the count attribute was correctly updated. Because Weights was vectorized, count was initialized as an arange(10), and all of its elements were incremented by 1 inside the transformation. The most important part is that updates were propagated to the original Weights object outside the transformation. Nice!

Graph updates propagation#

JAX transforms see inputs as pytrees of jax.Arrays, and Flax NNX sees inputs as pytrees of jax.Arrays and Python references, where references form a graph. Flax NNX’s state propagation machinery can track arbitrary updates to the objects as long as they’re local to the inputs (updates to globals inside transforms are not supported).

This means that you can modify graph structure as needed, including updating existing attributes, adding/deleting attributes, swapping attributes, sharing (new) references between objects, sharing nnx.Variables between objects, etc. Sky is the limit!

The following example demonstrates performing some arbitrary updates to the Weights object inside nnx.vmap, and verifying that the updates are correctly propagated to the original Weights object outside the transformation:

class Count(nnx.Variable): pass

class Weights(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, kernel: jax.Array, bias: jax.Array, count: jax.Array):
    self.kernel, self.bias = nnx.Param(kernel), nnx.Param(bias)
    self.count = Count(count)

weights = Weights(
  kernel=random.uniform(random.key(0), (10, 2, 3)),
  bias=jnp.zeros((10, 3)),
x = jax.random.normal(random.key(1), (10, 2))

def crazy_vector_dot(weights: Weights, x: jax.Array):
  assert weights.kernel.ndim == 2, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  assert x.ndim == 1, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  weights.count += 1
  y = x @ weights.kernel + weights.bias
  weights.some_property = ['a', 2, False] # add attribute
  del weights.bias # delete attribute
  weights.new_param = weights.kernel # share reference
  return y

y = nnx.vmap(crazy_vector_dot, in_axes=0, out_axes=1)(weights, x)


With great power comes great responsibility.
- Uncle Ben

While this feature is very powerful, it must be used with care because it can clash with JAX’s underlying assumptions for certain transforms. For example, jit expects the structure of the inputs to be stable in order to cache the compiled function, so changing the graph structure inside an nnx.jit-ed function causes continuous recompilations and performance degradation. On the other hand, scan only allows a fixed carry structure, so adding/removing sub-states declared as carry will cause an error.

Transforming sub-states (lift types)#

Certain JAX transforms allow the use of pytree prefixes to specify how different parts of the inputs/outputs should be transformed. Flax NNX supports pytree prefixes for pytree structures but currently it doesn’t have the notion of a prefix for graph objects. Instead, Flax NNX introduces the concept of “lift types” which allow specifying how different sub-states of an object should be transformed. Different transforms support different lift types, here is the list of currently supported FLax NNX lift types for each JAX transformation:

Lift type

JAX transforms


vmap, pmap, scan


jit, shard_map*


grad, value_and_grad, custom_vjp

Note: * Flax NNX shard_map has not been implemented yet at the time of writing this version of the document.

To specify how to vectorize different sub-states of an object in nnx.vmap, the Flax team created a nnx.StateAxes. StateAxes maps a set of sub-states via Flax NNX Filters to their corresponding axes, and you can pass the nnx.StateAxes to in_axes and out_axes as if it/they were a pytree prefix.

Let’s use the previous stateful_vector_dot example and vectorize only the nnx.Param variables and broadcast the count variable so we only keep a single count for all the batch elements. To do this we will define a nnx.StateAxes with a filter that matches the nnx.Param variables and maps them to axis 0, and all the Count variables to None, and pass this nnx.StateAxes to in_axes for the Weights object.

class Weights(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, kernel: jax.Array, bias: jax.Array, count: jax.Array):
    self.kernel, self.bias = nnx.Param(kernel), nnx.Param(bias)
    self.count = Count(count)

weights = Weights(
  kernel=random.uniform(random.key(0), (10, 2, 3)),
  bias=jnp.zeros((10, 3)),
x = jax.random.normal(random.key(1), (10, 2))

def stateful_vector_dot(weights: Weights, x: jax.Array):
  assert weights.kernel.ndim == 2, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  assert x.ndim == 1, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  weights.count += 1
  return x @ weights.kernel + weights.bias

state_axes = nnx.StateAxes({nnx.Param: 0, Count: None}) # broadcast Count
y = nnx.vmap(stateful_vector_dot, in_axes=(state_axes, 0), out_axes=1)(weights, x)

Count( # 1 (4 B)
  value=Array(1, dtype=int32, weak_type=True)

Here, count is now a scalar since it’s not being vectorized. Also, note that nnx.StateAxes can only be used directly on Flax NNX objects, and it cannot be used as a prefix for a pytree of objects.

Random state#

In Flax NNX, a random state is just a regular state. This means that it is stored inside nnx.Modules that need it, and it is treated as any other type of state. This is a simplification over Flax Linen, where a random state was handled by a separate mechanism. In practice nnx.Modules simply need to keep a reference to a Rngs object that is passed to them during initialization, and use it to generate a unique key for each random operation. For the purposes of this guide, this means that random state can be transformed like any other type of state but we also need be aware of how the state is laid out so we can transform it correctly.

Suppose you want to change things up a bit and apply the same weights to all elements in the batch. But you also want to add different random noise to each element.

To do this, you will add an Rngs attribute to Weights, created from a seed key argument passed during construction. This seed key must be split beforehand, so that you can vectorize it successfully. For pedagogical reasons, you will assign the seed key to a noise “stream” and sample from it. To vectorize the PRNG state, you must configure nnx.StateAxes to map all RngStates (a base class for all variables in Rngs) to axis 0, and nnx.Param and Count to None.

class Weights(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, kernel, bias, count, seed):
    self.kernel, self.bias = nnx.Param(kernel), nnx.Param(bias)
    self.count = Count(count)
    self.rngs = nnx.Rngs(noise=seed)

weights = Weights(
  kernel=random.uniform(random.key(0), (2, 3)),
  seed=random.split(random.key(0), num=10),
x = random.normal(random.key(1), (10, 2))

def noisy_vector_dot(weights: Weights, x: jax.Array):
  assert weights.kernel.ndim == 2, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  assert x.ndim == 1, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  weights.count += 1
  y = x @ weights.kernel + weights.bias
  return y + random.normal(weights.rngs.noise(), y.shape)

state_axes = nnx.StateAxes({nnx.RngState: 0, (nnx.Param, Count): None})
y1 = nnx.vmap(noisy_vector_dot, in_axes=(state_axes, 0))(weights, x)
y2 = nnx.vmap(noisy_vector_dot, in_axes=(state_axes, 0))(weights, x)

print(jnp.allclose(y1, y2))

Because Rngs’s state is updated in place and automatically propagated by nnx.vmap, we will get a different result every time that noisy_vector_dot is called.

In the example above, you manually split the random state during construction. This is fine, as it makes the intention clear, but it also doesn’t let you use Rngs outside of nnx.vmap because its state is always split. To solve this, you can pass an unsplit seed and use the nnx.split_rngs decorator before nnx.vmap to split the RngState right before each call to the function, and then “lower” it back so that it becomes usable.

weights = Weights(
  kernel=random.uniform(random.key(0), (2, 3)),
x = random.normal(random.key(1), (10, 2))

state_axes = nnx.StateAxes({nnx.RngState: 0, (nnx.Param, Count): None})

@nnx.vmap(in_axes=(state_axes, 0))
def noisy_vector_dot(weights: Weights, x: jax.Array):
  assert weights.kernel.ndim == 2, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  assert x.ndim == 1, 'Batch dimensions not allowed'
  weights.count += 1
  y = x @ weights.kernel + weights.bias
  return y + random.normal(weights.rngs.noise(), y.shape)

y1 = noisy_vector_dot(weights, x)
y2 = noisy_vector_dot(weights, x)

print(jnp.allclose(y1, y2))

Rules and limitations#

In this section we will cover some rules and limitations apply when using Modules inside transformations.

Mutable Module cannot be passed by closure#

While Python allows for passing objects as closures to functions, this is generally not supported by Flax NNX transforms. The reason is that because Modules are mutable it is very easy to capture tracer into a Module created outside of the transform, this is silent error in JAX. To avoid this, Flax NNX checks that the Modules and Variables being mutated are passed as arguments to the transformed function.

For example, if we a have stateful Module such as Counter that increments a counter every time it is called, and we try to pass it as a closure to a function decorated with nnx.jit, we would be leaking the tracer. However Flax NNX will raise an error instead to prevent this:

class Counter(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    self.count = nnx.Param(jnp.array(0))

  def increment(self):
    self.count += jnp.array(1)

counter = Counter()

def f(x):
  return 2 * x

  y = f(3)
except Exception as e:

To solve this issue pass all Module as arguments to the functions being transformed. In this case f should accept counter as an argument.

Consistent aliasing#

The main issue with allowing for reference semantics in transforms is that references can be shared across inputs and outputs. This can be problematic if it is not taken care of because it would lead to ill-defined or inconsistent behavior. In the example below you have a single Weights Module m whose reference appears in multiple places in arg1 and arg2. The problem here is that you also specify that you want to vectorize arg1 in axis 0 and arg2 in axis 1. This would be fine in JAX because of referential transparency of pytrees. But this would be problematic in Flax NNX because you are trying to vectorize m in two different ways. Flax NNX will enforce consistency by raising an error.

class Weights(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, array: jax.Array):
    self.param = nnx.Param(array)

m = Weights(jnp.arange(10))
arg1 = {'a': {'b': m}, 'c': m}
arg2 = [(m, m), m]

@nnx.vmap(in_axes=(0, 1))
def f(arg1, arg2):

  f(arg1, arg2)
except ValueError as e:
Inconsistent aliasing detected. The following nodes have different prefixes:
Node: <class 'flax.nnx.variablelib.Param'>
  param: 0
  param: 0
  param: 1

Inconsistent aliasing can also happen between inputs and outputs. In the next example you have a trivial function that accepts and immediately returns arg1. However, arg1 is vectorized on axis 0 on the input, and axis 1 on the output. As expected, this is problematic and Flax NNX will raise an error.

@nnx.vmap(in_axes=0, out_axes=1)
def f(arg1):
  return arg1

except ValueError as e:
Inconsistent aliasing detected. The following nodes have different prefixes:
Node: <class 'flax.nnx.variablelib.Param'>
  param: 0
  param: 0
  param: 1

Axis metadata#

Flax NNX Variables can hold arbitrary metadata, which can be added by simply passing it as keyword arguments to its constructor. This is often used to store sharding information, as used by the nnx.spmd APIs (like nnx.get_partition_spec and nnx.get_named_sharding).

However, it is often important to keep this axes-related information in sync to what the actual state of the axes is when transforms are involved. For example, if you vectorize a variable on axis 1, you should remove the sharding information at position 1 when inside a vmap or scan to reflect the fact that the axes are temporarily removed.

To achieve this, Flax NNX transforms provide a non-standard transform_metadata dictionary argument. And when the nnx.PARTITION_NAME key is present, the sharding metadata will be updated as specified by in_axes and out_axes.

Let’s see an example of this in action:

class Weights(nnx.Module):
  def __init__(self, array: jax.Array, sharding: tuple[str | None, ...]):
    self.param = nnx.Param(array, sharding=sharding)

m = Weights(jnp.ones((3, 4, 5)), sharding=('a', 'b', None))

@nnx.vmap(in_axes=1, transform_metadata={nnx.PARTITION_NAME: 'b'})
def f(m: Weights):
  print(f'Inner {m.param.shape = }')
  print(f'Inner {m.param.sharding = }')

print(f'Outter {m.param.shape = }')
print(f'Outter {m.param.sharding = }')
Inner m.param.shape = (3, 5)
Inner m.param.sharding = ('a', None)
Outter m.param.shape = (3, 4, 5)
Outter m.param.sharding = ('a', 'b', None)

Here, you added a sharding metadata to the nnx.Param variables, and used transform_metadata to update the sharding metadata to reflect the axis changes. Specifically, you can see that the first axis b was removed from the sharding metadata when inside of nnx.vmap, and then added back when outside of nnx.vmap.

You can verify that this also works when nnx.Modules are created inside the transformation - the new sharding axes will be added to the nnx.Module nnx.Variables outside the transformation, matching the axes of the transformed nnx.Variables.

@nnx.vmap(out_axes=1, axis_size=4, transform_metadata={nnx.PARTITION_NAME: 'b'})
def init_vmap():
  return Weights(jnp.ones((3, 5)), sharding=('a', None))

m = init_vmap()
print(f'Outter {m.param.shape = }')
print(f'Outter {m.param.sharding = }')
Outter m.param.shape = (3, 4, 5)
Outter m.param.sharding = ('a', 'b', None)