Source code for flax.nnx.bridge.variables

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, TypeVar

import jax
from flax import struct
from flax.core import meta
from flax.nnx import spmd
from flax.nnx import traversals
from flax.nnx import variablelib as variableslib
from flax.nnx.module import GraphDef
import typing as tp

A = TypeVar('A')
B = TypeVar('B')

### Variable type <-> Linen collection name mapping ###
# Assumption: the mapping is 1-1 and unique.

VariableTypeCache: dict[str, tp.Type[variableslib.Variable[tp.Any]]] = {}

def variable_type(name: str) -> tp.Type[variableslib.Variable[tp.Any]]:
  """Given a Linen-style collection name, get or create its corresponding NNX Variable type."""
  if name not in VariableTypeCache:
    VariableTypeCache[name] = type(name, (variableslib.Variable,), {})
  return VariableTypeCache[name]

def variable_type_name(typ: tp.Type[variableslib.Variable[tp.Any]]) -> str:
  """Given an NNX Variable type, get or create its Linen-style collection name.

  Should output the exact inversed result of `variable_type()`."""
  for name, t in VariableTypeCache.items():
    if typ == t:
      return name
  name = typ.__name__
  if name in VariableTypeCache:
    raise ValueError(
      'Name {name} is already registered in the registry as {VariableTypeCache[name]}. '
      'It cannot be linked with this type {typ}.'
  register_variable_name_type_pair(name, typ)
  return name

def register_variable_name_type_pair(name, typ, overwrite = False):
  """Register a pair of Linen collection name and its NNX type."""
  if not overwrite and name in VariableTypeCache:
    raise ValueError(f'Name {name} already mapped to type {VariableTypeCache[name]}. '
                     'To overwrite, call register_variable_name_type_pair() with `overwrite=True`.')
  VariableTypeCache[name] = typ

# add known variable type names
register_variable_name_type_pair('params', variableslib.Param)
register_variable_name_type_pair('batch_stats', variableslib.BatchStat)
register_variable_name_type_pair('cache', variableslib.Cache)
register_variable_name_type_pair('intermediates', variableslib.Intermediate)

def sort_variable_types(types: tp.Iterable[type]):
  def _variable_parents_count(t: type):
    return sum(1 for p in t.mro() if issubclass(p, variableslib.Variable))
  parent_count = {t: _variable_parents_count(t) for t in types}
  return sorted(types, key=lambda t: -parent_count[t])

### NNX Variable <-> Linen metadata boxes ###

[docs]class NNXMeta(struct.PyTreeNode, meta.AxisMetadata[A]): """Default Flax metadata class for `nnx.VariableState`.""" var_type: type[variableslib.Variable[tp.Any]] = struct.field(pytree_node=False) value: Any = struct.field(pytree_node=True) metadata: dict[str, tp.Any] = struct.field(pytree_node=False)
[docs] def unbox(self) -> A: return self.value
[docs] def replace_boxed(self, val: B) -> 'NNXMeta[B]': return self.replace(value=val) # type: ignore
[docs] def add_axis(self, index: int, params: dict[Any, Any]) -> 'NNXMeta[A]': # TODO: implement this, supporting hooks return self
[docs] def remove_axis(self, index: int, params: dict[Any, Any]) -> 'NNXMeta[A]': # TODO: implement this, supporting hooks return self
[docs] def get_partition_spec(self) -> jax.sharding.PartitionSpec: """Returns the ``Partitionspec`` for this partitioned value.""" nnx_var = self.to_nnx_variable().to_state() return spmd.get_partition_spec(nnx_var).value
[docs] def to_nnx_variable(self) -> variableslib.Variable: return self.var_type(self.value, **self.metadata)
def is_vanilla_variable(vs: variableslib.VariableState) -> bool: """A variables state is vanilla if its metadata is essentially blank. Returns False only if it has non-empty hooks or any non-built-in attribute. """ for key, value in vs.get_metadata().items(): if key.endswith('_hooks'): if value != (): return False else: return False return True def to_linen_var(vs: variableslib.VariableState) -> meta.AxisMetadata: metadata = vs.get_metadata() if 'linen_meta_type' in metadata: linen_type = metadata['linen_meta_type'] if hasattr(linen_type, 'from_nnx_metadata'): return linen_type.from_nnx_metadata({'value': vs.value, **metadata}) return linen_type(vs.value, **metadata) if is_vanilla_variable(vs): return vs.value return NNXMeta(vs.type, vs.value, metadata) def get_col_name(keypath: tp.Sequence[Any]) -> str: """Given the keypath of a Flax variable type, return its Linen collection name.""" # Infer variable type from the leaf's path, which contains its Linen collection name assert isinstance(keypath[0], jax.tree_util.DictKey) return str(keypath[0].key) def to_nnx_var(col: str, x: meta.AxisMetadata | Any) -> variableslib.Variable: """Convert a Linen variable to an NNX variable.""" vtype = variable_type(col) if isinstance(x, NNXMeta): assert vtype == x.var_type, f'Type stored in NNXMeta {x.var_type} != type inferred from collection name {vtype}' return x.to_nnx_variable() if isinstance(x, meta.AxisMetadata): x_metadata = vars(x) if hasattr(x, 'to_nnx_metadata'): x_metadata = x.to_nnx_metadata() assert hasattr(x, 'value') return vtype(**x_metadata, linen_meta_type=type(x)) return vtype(x) def _recursive_merge(dict1, dict2): """Recursively merge two dicts.""" flat_map = traversals.flatten_mapping(dict1) flat_map |= traversals.flatten_mapping(dict2) return traversals.unflatten_mapping(flat_map) def linen_vars_to_nnx_attrs(variables: tp.Mapping[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: nnx_vars = jax.tree_util.tree_map_with_path( lambda kp, x: to_nnx_var(get_col_name(kp), x), variables, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, meta.AxisMetadata)) nnx_attrs: dict[str, Any] = defaultdict(dict) for _, col_tree in nnx_vars.items(): assert isinstance(col_tree, dict) for attr_name, value in col_tree.items(): assert isinstance(attr_name, str) if isinstance(value, tp.Mapping): # it's a sublayer nnx_attrs[attr_name] = _recursive_merge(nnx_attrs[attr_name], value) else: nnx_attrs[attr_name] = value # it's a variable on this layer return nnx_attrs def nnx_attrs_to_linen_vars(nnx_attrs: dict) -> dict: linen_structured = {} for kp, v in traversals.flatten_mapping( nnx_attrs, is_leaf=lambda _, x: isinstance(x, variableslib.Variable | GraphDef), ).items(): if isinstance(v, variableslib.Variable): col_name = variable_type_name(type(v)) else: col_name = 'nnx' # it must be an nnx.GraphDef, for some ToLinen submodule linen_structured[(col_name, *kp)] = v variables = traversals.unflatten_mapping(linen_structured) variables = x: to_linen_var(x.to_state()), variables, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, variableslib.Variable)) return variables