Source code for flax.nnx.transforms.autodiff

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import deque
import dataclasses
import functools
import typing as tp

from flax import struct
from flax.nnx import (
from flax.nnx.statelib import State
import jax
import jax.core
import jax.stages

from flax.nnx.transforms import general
from flax.nnx.transforms.transforms import resolve_kwargs
from flax.typing import MISSING, Missing

A = tp.TypeVar('A')
# C = tp.TypeVar('C')
# B = tp.TypeVar('B')
F = tp.TypeVar('F', bound=tp.Callable[..., tp.Any])
# G = tp.TypeVar('G', bound=tp.Callable[..., tp.Any])
# M = tp.TypeVar('M', bound=Module)
# MA = tp.TypeVar('MA', bound=Module)
# N = tp.TypeVar('N', bound=Module)
# StrInt = tp.TypeVar('StrInt', str, int)
AxisName = tp.Hashable
# Leaves = tp.List[Leaf]
# Index = int

# -------------------------------
# grad
# -------------------------------

class DiffState:
  argnum: int
  filter: filterlib.Filter

class GradFn:
  f: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]
  has_aux: bool

  def __post_init__(self):
    functools.update_wrapper(self, self.f)

  def __call__(self, *pure_args):
    # rebuild diff_state from substates in args
    nondiff_states: deque[State | None] = extract.get_broadcast_state('grad')

    def _grad_merge_fn(
      ctx: graph.MergeContext, path, prefix, value: extract.NodeStates
      nondiff = nondiff_states.popleft()
      if nondiff is None:
        return ctx.merge(value.graphdef, value.state)
        return ctx.merge(value.graphdef, value.state, nondiff)

    args = extract.from_tree(pure_args, merge_fn=_grad_merge_fn, ctxtag='grad')

    out = self.f(*args)

    args_out = extract.clear_non_graph_nodes(args)
    pure_args_out, pure_out = extract.to_tree((args_out, out), ctxtag='grad')

    if self.has_aux:
      loss, pure_aux = pure_out
      fn_out = (loss, (pure_args_out, pure_aux))
      loss = pure_out
      fn_out = (loss, pure_args_out)

    return fn_out

def _grad_general(
  f: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any],
  argnums: int | DiffState | tp.Sequence[int | DiffState],
  has_aux: bool,
  holomorphic: bool,
  allow_int: bool,
  reduce_axes: tp.Sequence[AxisName],
  return_value: bool,
) -> tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]:
  transform = jax.value_and_grad if return_value else jax.grad

  jax_argnums: int | tuple[int, ...]
  if isinstance(argnums, (int, DiffState)):
    jax_argnums = argnums.argnum if isinstance(argnums, DiffState) else argnums
    jax_argnums = tuple(
      x.argnum if isinstance(x, DiffState) else x for x in argnums

  _argnums = (argnums,) if isinstance(argnums, (int, DiffState)) else argnums
  index_filter: dict[int, DiffState] = {}
  for argnum in _argnums:
    index = argnum.argnum if isinstance(argnum, DiffState) else argnum
    if index in index_filter:
      raise ValueError(f'argnum {index} is repeated in argnums')
    index_filter[index] = (
      dataclasses.replace(argnum, argnum=-1)
      if isinstance(argnum, DiffState)
      else DiffState(-1, variablelib.Param)

  gradded_fn = transform(
    GradFn(f, has_aux),

  def grad_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    args = resolve_kwargs(f, args, kwargs)
    del kwargs
    nondiff_states: deque[State | None] = deque()

    def _grad_split_fn(
      ctx: graph.SplitContext, path, prefix: DiffState | None, value
      if prefix is None:
        return extract.NodeStates.from_split(*ctx.split(value))
        graphdef, diff, nondiff = ctx.split(value, prefix.filter, ...)  # type: ignore[misc]
        return extract.NodeStates.from_split(graphdef, diff)

    arg_filters = tuple(index_filter.get(i) for i in range(len(args)))
    pure_args = extract.to_tree(
      args, prefix=arg_filters, split_fn=_grad_split_fn, ctxtag='grad'

    with extract.broadcast_state('grad', nondiff_states):
      fn_out = gradded_fn(*pure_args)

    def process_grads(grads):
        lambda x: x.state if isinstance(x, extract.NodeStates) else x,
        is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, extract.NodeStates),

    def process_out(pure_out: A, /) -> A:
      return extract.from_tree(pure_out, ctxtag='grad')

    if return_value:
      # unpack value_and_grad output
      if has_aux:
        (loss, (pure_args_out, pure_aux)), grads = fn_out
        grads = process_grads(grads)
        _args_out, aux = process_out((pure_args_out, pure_aux))
        return (loss, aux), grads
        (loss, pure_args_out), grads = fn_out
        grads = process_grads(grads)
        _args_out = process_out(pure_args_out)
        return loss, grads
      # unpack grad output
      if has_aux:
        grads, (pure_args_out, pure_aux) = fn_out
        grads = process_grads(grads)
        _args_out, aux = process_out((pure_args_out, pure_aux))
        return grads, aux
        grads, pure_args_out = fn_out
        grads = process_grads(grads)
        _args_out = process_out(pure_args_out)
        return grads

  return grad_wrapper

def grad(
  f: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any],
  argnums: int | DiffState | tp.Sequence[int | DiffState] = 0,
  has_aux: bool = False,
  holomorphic: bool = False,
  allow_int: bool = False,
  reduce_axes: tp.Sequence[AxisName] = (),
) -> tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]: ...
def grad(
  argnums: int | DiffState | tp.Sequence[int | DiffState] = 0,
  has_aux: bool = False,
  holomorphic: bool = False,
  allow_int: bool = False,
  reduce_axes: tp.Sequence[AxisName] = (),
) -> tp.Callable[[tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]], tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]]: ...
[docs]def grad( f: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any] | Missing = MISSING, *, argnums: int | DiffState | tp.Sequence[int | DiffState] = 0, has_aux: bool = False, holomorphic: bool = False, allow_int: bool = False, reduce_axes: tp.Sequence[AxisName] = (), ) -> ( tp.Callable[..., tp.Any] | tp.Callable[[tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]], tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]] ): """Lifted version of ``jax.grad`` that can handle Modules / graph nodes as arguments. The differentiable state of each graph node is defined by the `wrt` filter, which by default is set to `nnx.Param`. Internally the ``State`` of graph nodes is extracted, filtered according to `wrt` filter, and passed to the underlying ``jax.grad`` function. The gradients of graph nodes are of type ``State``. Example:: >>> from flax import nnx >>> import jax.numpy as jnp ... >>> m = nnx.Linear(2, 3, rngs=nnx.Rngs(0)) >>> x = jnp.ones((1, 2)) >>> y = jnp.ones((1, 3)) ... >>> loss_fn = lambda m, x, y: jnp.mean((m(x) - y) ** 2) >>> grad_fn = nnx.grad(loss_fn) ... >>> grads = grad_fn(m, x, y) >>>, grads) State({ 'bias': VariableState( type=Param, value=(3,) ), 'kernel': VariableState( type=Param, value=(2, 3) ) }) Args: fun: Function to be differentiated. Its arguments at positions specified by ``argnums`` should be arrays, scalars, graph nodes or standard Python containers. Argument arrays in the positions specified by ``argnums`` must be of inexact (i.e., floating-point or complex) type. It should return a scalar (which includes arrays with shape ``()`` but not arrays with shape ``(1,)`` etc.) argnums: Optional, integer or sequence of integers. Specifies which positional argument(s) to differentiate with respect to (default 0). has_aux: Optional, bool. Indicates whether ``fun`` returns a pair where the first element is considered the output of the mathematical function to be differentiated and the second element is auxiliary data. Default False. holomorphic: Optional, bool. Indicates whether ``fun`` is promised to be holomorphic. If True, inputs and outputs must be complex. Default False. allow_int: Optional, bool. Whether to allow differentiating with respect to integer valued inputs. The gradient of an integer input will have a trivial vector-space dtype (float0). Default False. reduce_axes: Optional, tuple of axis names. If an axis is listed here, and ``fun`` implicitly broadcasts a value over that axis, the backward pass will perform a ``psum`` of the corresponding gradient. Otherwise, the gradient will be per-example over named axes. For example, if ``'batch'`` is a named batch axis, ``grad(f, reduce_axes=('batch',))`` will create a function that computes the total gradient while ``grad(f)`` will create one that computes the per-example gradient. """ if isinstance(f, Missing): return functools.partial( grad, argnums=argnums, has_aux=has_aux, holomorphic=holomorphic, allow_int=allow_int, reduce_axes=reduce_axes, ) return _grad_general( f, argnums, has_aux, holomorphic, allow_int, reduce_axes, return_value=False, )
@tp.overload def value_and_grad( f: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any], *, argnums: int | DiffState | tp.Sequence[int | DiffState] = 0, has_aux: bool = False, holomorphic: bool = False, allow_int: bool = False, reduce_axes: tp.Sequence[AxisName] = (), ) -> tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]: ... @tp.overload def value_and_grad( *, argnums: int | DiffState | tp.Sequence[int | DiffState] = 0, has_aux: bool = False, holomorphic: bool = False, allow_int: bool = False, reduce_axes: tp.Sequence[AxisName] = (), ) -> tp.Callable[[tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]], tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]]: ...
[docs]def value_and_grad( f: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any] | type[Missing] = Missing, *, argnums: int | DiffState | tp.Sequence[int | DiffState] = 0, has_aux: bool = False, holomorphic: bool = False, allow_int: bool = False, reduce_axes: tp.Sequence[AxisName] = (), ) -> ( tp.Callable[..., tp.Any] | tp.Callable[[tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]], tp.Callable[..., tp.Any]] ): if f is Missing: return functools.partial( value_and_grad, argnums=argnums, has_aux=has_aux, holomorphic=holomorphic, allow_int=allow_int, reduce_axes=reduce_axes, ) return _grad_general( f, argnums, has_aux, holomorphic, allow_int, reduce_axes, return_value=True, )
# ----------------------------------------------- # custom_vjp # ----------------------------------------------- # custom_vjp is one of the most complicated transforms as it requires # to handle 4 different functions: # 1. CustomVJP: the main object that runs the outer logic, converts input graph nodes # to pytrees and output pytrees to graph nodes. # 2. CustomVjpFnWrapper: function that wraps the user's function, it converts # its input pytrees to graph nodes and output graph nodes to pytrees. # 3. FwdFn: wraps the user's fwd function, it converts its input pytrees to graph nodes # and output graph nodes to pytrees. Since it might run by itself in a separate context, # it needs to be aware if the update_context is active or not in order to update the outer # referenes. # 4. BwdFn: wraps the user's bwd function, it converts its input pytrees to graph nodes # and output graph nodes to pytrees. It doesn't need to be aware of the outer context # since it will never update the outer references as it runs during the backward pass. def _custom_vjp_merge_fn( ctx: graph.MergeContext, path, prefix: bool | DiffState, value: extract.NodeStates, *, nondiff_states: deque[extract.GraphDefState], ): nondiff = nondiff_states.popleft() return ctx.merge(nondiff.graphdef, value.state, nondiff.state) def _custom_vjp_split_fn( ctx: graph.SplitContext, path, prefix: bool | DiffState, value, *, nondiff_states: list[extract.GraphDefState], ): broadcast: graph.GraphState if prefix is False: # pure non-differentiable arg, not supported raise TypeError( 'Passing integers to nondiff_argnums for graph nodes arguments in custom_vjp is not supported. ' f'Got {prefix} at path {jax.tree_util.keystr(path)} for value {value}' ) elif prefix is True: # pure differentiable arg, we pass all the state through # but we return a TreeNode.from_states which doesn't have a graphdef # in order to keep the gradients clean from any metadata graphdef, passed = ctx.split(value) broadcast = State({}) nondiff_states.append(extract.GraphDefState(graphdef, broadcast)) return extract.NodeStates.from_states(passed) else: # differentiable arg with DiffState filter, we use the filter to split the state # as before we return a TreeNode.from_states to keep the gradients clean # from any metadata, the non-differentiable state is stored in a deque # which is broadcasted during the forward pass graphdef, passed, broadcast = ctx.split(value, prefix.filter, ...) # type: ignore[misc] nondiff_states.append(extract.GraphDefState(graphdef, broadcast)) return extract.NodeStates.from_states(passed) nondiff_argnums: tuple[int, ...] = struct.field(pytree_node=False) tangent_tree_node_args: tuple[tp.Any, ...] = struct.field(pytree_node=False) def _extract_index_mappings(x, *, index_mappings: deque[graph.HashableMapping]): if isinstance(x, graph.NodeDef): assert x.index_mapping is not None index_mappings.append(x.index_mapping) return dataclasses.replace(x, index_mapping=None) return x @dataclasses.dataclass(eq=False) class CustomVjpFnWrapper: f: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any] jax_nondiff_argnums: tuple[int, ...] ctxtag: str nondiff_states: list[extract.GraphDefState] def __post_init__(self): functools.update_wrapper(self, self.f) def __call__(self, *pure_args): nondiff_states = deque(self.nondiff_states) args = extract.from_tree( pure_args, merge_fn=functools.partial( _custom_vjp_merge_fn, nondiff_states=nondiff_states ), ctxtag=self.ctxtag, ) out = self.f(*args) # remove nondiff from pure_args_out_g args_out = tuple( x for i, x in enumerate(args) if i not in self.jax_nondiff_argnums ) args_out = extract.clear_non_graph_nodes(args_out) pure_args_out, pure_out = extract.to_tree( (args_out, out), ctxtag=self.ctxtag ) # remove index_mapping from NodeDef's but store them in global context index_mappings: deque[graph.HashableMapping] = extract.get_broadcast_state( self.ctxtag ) pure_args_out, pure_out = functools.partial(_extract_index_mappings, index_mappings=index_mappings), (pure_args_out, pure_out), is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, graph.NodeDef), ) return pure_args_out, pure_out @dataclasses.dataclass(eq=False) class FwdFn: fwd: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any] nondiff_argnums: tuple[int, ...] ctxtag: str nondiff_states: list[extract.GraphDefState] def __post_init__(self): functools.update_wrapper(self, self.fwd) def __call__(self, *pure_args): # here we need to be aware if the update_context is active or not # when its not active, index_mappings will be None # when its active, we will remove the index_mappings from the NodeDef's and store them # in the index_mappings deque created by CustomVjp update_context_active = ( self.ctxtag in graph.GRAPH_CONTEXT.update_context_stacks ) nondiff_states = deque(self.nondiff_states) args = extract.from_tree( pure_args, merge_fn=functools.partial( _custom_vjp_merge_fn, nondiff_states=nondiff_states ), ctxtag=self.ctxtag if update_context_active else None, ) out, residual = self.fwd(*args) # remove nondiff from pure_args_out_g args_out = tuple( x for i, x in enumerate(args) if i not in self.nondiff_argnums ) args_out = extract.clear_non_graph_nodes(args_out) pure_args_out, pure_out = extract.to_tree( (args_out, out), ctxtag=self.ctxtag if update_context_active else None, ) pure_residual = extract.to_tree(residual) if update_context_active: # remove index_mapping from NodeDef's but store them in global context index_mappings: deque[graph.HashableMapping] = ( extract.get_broadcast_state(self.ctxtag) ) pure_args_out, pure_out = functools.partial( _extract_index_mappings, index_mappings=index_mappings ), (pure_args_out, pure_out), is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, graph.NodeDef), ) return (pure_args_out, pure_out), pure_residual @dataclasses.dataclass(eq=False) class BwdFn: bwd: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any] tree_node_args: tuple[tp.Any, ...] def __post_init__(self): functools.update_wrapper(self, self.bwd) def __call__(self, *args): *nondiff, pure_residual, (pure_args_out_g, pure_out_g) = args residual = extract.from_tree(pure_residual) (pure_args_out_g, pure_out_g) = lambda x: x.state if isinstance(x, extract.NodeStates) else x, (pure_args_out_g, pure_out_g), is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, extract.NodeStates), ) tangent = self.bwd(*nondiff, residual, (pure_args_out_g, pure_out_g)) def state_to_node_states(is_differentiable: bool, x): if is_differentiable: if isinstance(x, jax.Array): return x elif not isinstance(x, State): raise ValueError(f'Expected State, got {type(x)}') return extract.NodeStates.from_states(x) return x pure_tangent = state_to_node_states, self.tree_node_args, tangent, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, State), ) return pure_tangent class CustomVjp(tp.Generic[A]): def __init__( self, fun: tp.Callable[..., A], nondiff_argnums: tuple[int | DiffState, ...], ): functools.update_wrapper(self, fun) # first argument is metadata self.jax_nondiff_argnums = tuple( x for x in nondiff_argnums if isinstance(x, int) ) self.ctxtag = f'custom_vjp_{fun.__name__}_{id(fun)}' = fun self.fwd: tp.Callable | None = None self.bwd: tp.Callable | None = None self.symbolic_zeros: bool | None = None self.nondiff_argnums = nondiff_argnums self.diff_filter: dict[int, tp.Literal[False] | DiffState] = {} for argnum in self.nondiff_argnums: index = argnum.argnum if isinstance(argnum, DiffState) else argnum if index in self.diff_filter: raise ValueError(f'argnum {index} is repeated in nondiff_argnums') self.diff_filter[index] = ( dataclasses.replace(argnum, argnum=-1) if isinstance(argnum, DiffState) else False ) # def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> tp.Any: # if not hasattr(self.custom_vjp_fn, name): # raise AttributeError(f'{type(self).__name__} has no attribute {name}') # return getattr(self.custom_vjp_fn, name) def __call__( self, *args: tp.Any, **kwargs: tp.Any ) -> A: # pytype: disable=invalid-annotation with graph.update_context(self.ctxtag): args = resolve_kwargs(, args, kwargs) del kwargs nondiff_states: list[extract.GraphDefState] = [] arg_filters = tuple( self.diff_filter.get(i, True) for i in range(len(args)) ) pure_args = extract.to_tree( args, prefix=arg_filters, split_fn=functools.partial( _custom_vjp_split_fn, nondiff_states=nondiff_states ), ctxtag=self.ctxtag, ) tree_node_args = lambda x: isinstance(x, extract.NodeStates), pure_args, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, extract.NodeStates), ) tree_node_args = tuple( x for i, x in enumerate(tree_node_args) if i not in self.jax_nondiff_argnums ) index_mappings: deque[graph.HashableMapping] = deque() with extract.broadcast_state(self.ctxtag, index_mappings): if self.fwd is None or self.bwd is None or self.symbolic_zeros is None: raise ValueError() custom_vjp_fn = jax.custom_vjp( fun=CustomVjpFnWrapper(, jax_nondiff_argnums=self.jax_nondiff_argnums, ctxtag=self.ctxtag, nondiff_states=nondiff_states, ), nondiff_argnums=self.jax_nondiff_argnums, ) custom_vjp_fn.defvjp( fwd=FwdFn( fwd=self.fwd, nondiff_argnums=self.jax_nondiff_argnums, ctxtag=self.ctxtag, nondiff_states=nondiff_states, ), bwd=BwdFn( bwd=self.bwd, tree_node_args=tree_node_args, ), symbolic_zeros=self.symbolic_zeros, ) pure_args_out, pure_out = custom_vjp_fn(*pure_args) # insert index_mappings def _insert_index_mappings(x): if isinstance(x, graph.NodeDef): index_mapping: graph.HashableMapping = index_mappings.popleft() return dataclasses.replace(x, index_mapping=index_mapping) return x pure_args_out, pure_out = jax.tree_util.tree_map( _insert_index_mappings, (pure_args_out, pure_out), is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, graph.NodeDef), ) args_out, out = extract.from_tree( (pure_args_out, pure_out), ctxtag=self.ctxtag ) return out def defvjp( self, fwd: tp.Callable[..., tuple[A, tp.Any]], bwd: tp.Callable[..., tuple[tp.Any, ...]], symbolic_zeros: bool = False, ) -> None: self.fwd = fwd self.bwd = bwd self.symbolic_zeros = symbolic_zeros @tp.overload def custom_vjp( fun: tp.Callable[..., A], *, nondiff_argnums: tuple[int | DiffState, ...] = (), ) -> CustomVjp[A]: ... @tp.overload def custom_vjp( *, nondiff_argnums: tuple[int | DiffState, ...] = (), ) -> tp.Callable[[tp.Callable[..., A]], CustomVjp[A]]: ...
[docs]def custom_vjp( fun: tp.Callable[..., A] | Missing = MISSING, *, nondiff_argnums: tuple[int | DiffState, ...] = (), ) -> CustomVjp[A] | tp.Callable[[tp.Callable[..., A]], CustomVjp[A]]: """Reference aware version of `jax.custom_vjp <>`__. ``nnx.custom_vjp`` accepts Modules and other Flax NNX objects as arguments. The main difference with the JAX version is that, because Modules follow reference semantics, they propagate the State updates for the inputs as auxiliary outputs. This means that the incomming gradients in the ``bwd`` function will have the form ``(input_updates_g, out_g)`` where ``input_updates_g`` is the gradient updated state of the inputs w.r.t. to the inputs. All Module terms on the inputs will an associated ``State`` term in ``input_updates_g``, while all non-Module terms will appear as None. The shape of the tanget will be expected to have the same shape as the input, with ``State`` terms in place of the corresponding Module terms. Example:: >>> import jax >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> from flax import nnx ... >>> class Foo(nnx.Module): ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x = nnx.Param(x) ... self.y = nnx.Param(y) ... >>> @nnx.custom_vjp ... def f(m: Foo): ... return jnp.sin(m.x) * m.y ... >>> def f_fwd(m: Foo): ... return f(m), (jnp.cos(m.x), jnp.sin(m.x), m) ... >>> def f_bwd(res, g): ... input_updates_g, out_g = g ... cos_x, sin_x, m = res ... (m_updates_g,) = input_updates_g ... m_g = x: x, m_updates_g) # create copy ... ... m_g['x'].value = cos_x * out_g * m.y ... m_g['y'].value = sin_x * out_g ... return (m_g,) ... >>> f.defvjp(f_fwd, f_bwd) ... >>> m = Foo(x=jnp.array(1.), y=jnp.array(2.)) >>> grads = nnx.grad(f)(m) ... >>>, grads) State({ 'x': VariableState( type=Param, value=() ), 'y': VariableState( type=Param, value=() ) }) Note that the State objects that represent Module terms on ``input_updates_g`` have the same shape as the State objects expected in the output tanget. This means that you can usually just copy them from ``input_updates_g`` and update them with their corresponding gradient values. You can select which substates are differentiable (have a tangent) for Modules and other graph nodes by passing a ``DiffState`` to ``nondiff_argnums``. For example, if you want to differentiate only the ``x`` attribute of the ``Foo`` class, you can do the following:: >>> x_attribute = nnx.PathContains('x') >>> diff_state = nnx.DiffState(0, x_attribute) ... >>> @nnx.custom_vjp(nondiff_argnums=(diff_state,)) ... def f(m: Foo): ... return jnp.sin(m.x) * m.y # type: ignore >>> def f_fwd(m: Foo): ... y = f(m) ... res = (jnp.cos(m.x), m) # type: ignore ... return y, res ... >>> def f_bwd(res, g): ... input_updates_g, out_g = g ... cos_x, m = res ... (m_updates_g,) = input_updates_g ... m_g = x: x, m_updates_g) # create copy ... ... m_g.x.value = cos_x * out_g * m.y ... del m_g['y'] # y is not differentiable ... return (m_g,) >>> f.defvjp(f_fwd, f_bwd) ... >>> m = Foo(x=jnp.array(1.), y=jnp.array(2.)) >>> grad = nnx.grad(f, argnums=nnx.DiffState(0, x_attribute))(m) ... >>>, grad) State({ 'x': VariableState( type=Param, value=() ) }) Note that ``grad`` cannot calculate gradients for states that don't have a tangent defined by ``custom_vjp``, in the example above we reuse the same ``x_attribute`` filter to keep ``custom_vjp`` and ``grad`` in sync. Args: fun: Callable base function. nondiff_argnums: Tuple of integers or DiffState objects specifying the argument indices that are not differentiated. By default all arguments are differentiated. Integers cannot be used to mark graph nodes such as Modules as non-differentiable, in this case use a DiffState object. DiffState objects define the set of differentiable substates, contrary to what the name of this argument suggests, this is done for compatibility with ``grad``. """ if isinstance(fun, Missing): return functools.partial(custom_vjp, nondiff_argnums=nondiff_argnums) return CustomVjp(fun, nondiff_argnums)
# ------------------------------- # remat # ------------------------------- @tp.overload def remat( *, prevent_cse: bool = True, static_argnums: int | tuple[int, ...] = (), policy: tp.Callable[..., bool] | None = None, ) -> tp.Callable[[F], F]: ... @tp.overload def remat( f: F, *, prevent_cse: bool = True, static_argnums: int | tuple[int, ...] = (), policy: tp.Callable[..., bool] | None = None, ) -> F: ...
[docs]def remat( f: F | Missing = MISSING, *, prevent_cse: bool = True, static_argnums: int | tuple[int, ...] = (), policy: tp.Callable[..., bool] | None = None, ) -> F | tp.Callable[[F], F]: if isinstance(f, Missing): return functools.partial( remat, prevent_cse=prevent_cse, static_argnums=static_argnums, policy=policy, ) # type: ignore[return-value] return resolve_kwargs()( graph.update_context('remat')( general.split_inputs( jax.checkpoint( general.merge_inputs(f, ctxtag='remat'), prevent_cse=prevent_cse, static_argnums=static_argnums, policy=policy, ), ctxtag='remat', ), ) ) """A 'lifted' version of the `jax.checkpoint <>`__ (a.k.a. ``jax.remat``). ``flax.nnx.remat``, similar to ``jax.checkpoint`` can provide control over, for example, how ``flax.nnx.grad`` values are computed and saved during the forward pass versus how they are recomputed during the backward pass, trading off memory and FLOPs. Learn more in `Flax NNX vs JAX Transformations <>`_. To learn about ``jax.remat``, go to JAX's `fundamentals of jax.checkpoint <>`_ and `practical notes <>`_. """