Source code for flax.nnx.variablelib

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pytype: skip-file
from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import functools
from functools import partial
import typing as tp
from typing import Any

import jax

from flax import errors
from flax.nnx import filterlib, reprlib, tracers
from flax.typing import Missing, PathParts
import jax.tree_util as jtu

A = tp.TypeVar('A')
B = tp.TypeVar('B')
F = tp.TypeVar('F', bound=tp.Callable[..., tp.Any])
V = tp.TypeVar('V', bound='Variable[Any]')
GetValueHook = tp.Callable[['Variable[A]', A], A]
SetValueHook = tp.Callable[['Variable[A]', A], A]
CreateValueHook = tp.Callable[['Variable[A]', A], A]
AxisName = str
AxisIndex = int
AddAxisHook = tp.Callable[[V, AxisIndex, AxisName | None], None]
RemoveAxisHook = tp.Callable[[V, AxisIndex, AxisName | None], None]

VariableTypeCache: dict[str, tp.Type[Variable[tp.Any]]] = {}

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class VariableMetadata(tp.Generic[A]): raw_value: A set_value_hooks: tuple[SetValueHook[A], ...] = () get_value_hooks: tuple[GetValueHook[A], ...] = () create_value_hooks: tuple[CreateValueHook[A], ...] = () add_axis_hooks: tuple[AddAxisHook[Variable[A]], ...] = () remove_axis_hooks: tuple[RemoveAxisHook[Variable[A]], ...] = () metadata: tp.Mapping[str, tp.Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
[docs]class Variable(tp.Generic[A], reprlib.Representable): """The base class for all ``Variable`` types. Create custom ``Variable`` types by subclassing this class. Numerous NNX graph functions can filter for specific ``Variable`` types, for example, :func:`split`, :func:`state`, :func:`pop`, and :func:`State.filter`. Example usage:: >>> from flax import nnx >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class CustomVariable(nnx.Variable): ... pass >>> class Model(nnx.Module): ... def __init__(self, rngs): ... self.linear = nnx.Linear(2, 3, rngs=rngs) ... self.custom_variable = CustomVariable(jnp.ones((1, 3))) ... def __call__(self, x): ... return self.linear(x) + self.custom_variable >>> model = Model(rngs=nnx.Rngs(0)) >>> linear_variables = nnx.state(model, nnx.Param) >>>, linear_variables) State({ 'linear': { 'bias': VariableState( type=Param, value=(3,) ), 'kernel': VariableState( type=Param, value=(2, 3) ) } }) >>> custom_variable = nnx.state(model, CustomVariable) >>>, custom_variable) State({ 'custom_variable': VariableState( type=CustomVariable, value=(1, 3) ) }) >>> variables = nnx.state(model) >>>, variables) State({ 'custom_variable': VariableState( type=CustomVariable, value=(1, 3) ), 'linear': { 'bias': VariableState( type=Param, value=(3,) ), 'kernel': VariableState( type=Param, value=(2, 3) ) } }) """ raw_value: A _trace_state: tracers.TraceState _var_metadata: dict[str, tp.Any] def __init__( self, value: tp.Union[A, VariableMetadata[A]], **metadata: tp.Any, ): type_vars = vars(type(self)) vars_self = vars(self) vars_self['_trace_state'] = tracers.TraceState() if isinstance(value, VariableMetadata): metadata.update(value.metadata) value = tp.cast(A, value.raw_value) object.__setattr__(self, 'raw_value', value) if 'on_get_value' in type_vars and 'on_get_value' not in metadata: metadata['get_value'] = getattr(type(self), 'on_get_value') if 'on_set_value' in type_vars and 'on_set_value' not in metadata: metadata['set_value'] = getattr(type(self), 'on_set_value') if 'on_create_value' in type_vars and 'on_create_value' not in metadata: metadata['create_value'] = getattr(type(self), 'on_create_value') if 'on_add_axis' in type_vars and 'on_add_axis' not in metadata: metadata['add_axis'] = getattr(type(self), 'on_add_axis') if 'on_remove_axis' in type_vars and 'on_remove_axis' not in metadata: metadata['remove_axis'] = getattr(type(self), 'on_remove_axis') vars_self['_var_metadata'] = metadata # run create_value hooks vars_self['raw_value'] = self.create_value(self.raw_value) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> tp.Any: if name in vars(self)['_var_metadata']: return self._var_metadata[name] return getattr(self.value, name) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: tp.Any): if not self._trace_state.is_valid(): raise errors.TraceContextError( f'Cannot mutate {type(self).__name__} from a different trace level' ) if ( name == 'value' or name == 'raw_value' or name == '_var_metadata' or name == '_trace_state' ): object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: self._var_metadata[name] = value def __delattr__(self, name: str): if not self._trace_state.is_valid(): raise errors.TraceContextError( f'Cannot mutate {type(self).__name__} from a different trace level' ) if ( name == 'value' or name == 'raw_value' or name == '_var_metadata' or name == '_trace_state' ): object.__delattr__(self, name) else: del self._var_metadata[name] @classmethod def state(cls, value: A, **metadata) -> VariableState[A]: return cls(value, **metadata).to_state() def get_metadata(self): return self._var_metadata def copy_from(self, other: Variable[A]) -> None: if type(self) is not type(other): raise ValueError( f'Cannot copy from incompatible container, ' f'expected {type(self).__name__}, got {type(other).__name__}' ) if self is other: return self.raw_value = other.raw_value self._var_metadata.clear() self._var_metadata.update(other.get_metadata()) def update_from_state(self, variable_state: VariableState[A]): vars_self = vars(self) vars_self['raw_value'] = variable_state.value vars_self['_var_metadata'] = variable_state._var_metadata.copy() @property def value(self) -> A: value = self.raw_value if 'on_get_value' in self._var_metadata: value = self._var_metadata['on_get_value'](self, value) return value @value.setter def value(self, value: A): if isinstance(value, Variable): raise ValueError( 'Cannot set value to a Variable, ' 'use `copy_from` method instead' ) if 'on_set_value' in self._var_metadata: value = self._var_metadata['on_set_value'](self, value) vars(self)['raw_value'] = value def create_value(self, value: A): if 'on_create_value' in self._var_metadata: value = self._var_metadata['on_create_value'](self, value) return value def add_axis(self, axis_index: AxisIndex, axis_name: AxisName | None): if 'on_add_axis' in self._var_metadata: self._var_metadata['on_add_axis'](self, axis_index, axis_name) def remove_axis(self, axis_index: AxisIndex, axis_name: AxisName | None): if 'on_remove_axis' in self._var_metadata: self._var_metadata['on_remove_axis'](self, axis_index, axis_name) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return type(self) is type(other) and vars(other) == vars(self) @tp.overload def replace(self, value: B, **kwargs) -> Variable[B]: ... @tp.overload def replace(self, **kwargs) -> Variable[A]: ... def replace(self, value: tp.Any = Missing, **kwargs) -> Variable[tp.Any]: if value is not Missing: kwargs['raw_value'] = value # rename `value` to `raw_value` if 'value' in kwargs: kwargs['raw_value'] = kwargs.pop('value') # return `value` if it is a Variable if 'raw_value' in kwargs and isinstance( value := kwargs['raw_value'], Variable ): # remove value from kwargs kwargs.pop('raw_value') if type(self) is not type(value): raise ValueError( 'Cannot replace value from incompatible container, ' f'expected {type(self).__name__}, got {type(value).__name__}' ) # if kwargs aren't empty, recursively call replace # else return variable value if kwargs: return value.replace(**kwargs) else: return value # get and update attributes # return new instance with updated attributes obj = object.__new__(type(self)) object.__setattr__(obj, '_trace_state', self._trace_state) object.__setattr__(obj, 'raw_value', kwargs.pop('raw_value')) object.__setattr__(obj, '_var_metadata', self.get_metadata()) obj._var_metadata.update(kwargs) return obj @classmethod def from_metadata(cls, value: A, attributes: tp.Mapping[str, tp.Any]): obj = object.__new__(cls) object.__setattr__(obj, '_trace_state', tracers.TraceState()) object.__setattr__(obj, 'raw_value', value) object.__setattr__(obj, '_var_metadata', attributes) return obj def copy(self: Variable[A]) -> Variable[A]: obj = object.__new__(type(self)) object.__setattr__(obj, '_trace_state', self._trace_state) object.__setattr__(obj, 'raw_value', self.raw_value) object.__setattr__(obj, '_var_metadata', self.get_metadata().copy()) return obj def to_state(self: Variable[A]) -> VariableState[A]: return VariableState(type(self), self.raw_value, **self._var_metadata) def __nnx_repr__(self): yield reprlib.Object(type=type(self)) yield reprlib.Attr('value', self.raw_value) for name, value in self._var_metadata.items(): yield reprlib.Attr(name, repr(value)) def __treescope_repr__(self, path, subtree_renderer): import treescope # type: ignore[import-not-found,import-untyped] children = {'value': self.raw_value, **self._var_metadata} return treescope.repr_lib.render_object_constructor( object_type=type(self), attributes=children, path=path, subtree_renderer=subtree_renderer, ) # hooks API if tp.TYPE_CHECKING: def on_get_value(self, value: A) -> A: ... def on_set_value(self, value: A) -> A: ... def on_create_value(self, value: A) -> A: ... def on_add_axis( self: V, axis_index: AxisIndex, axis_name: AxisName | None ) -> V: ... def on_remove_axis( self: V, axis_index: AxisIndex, axis_name: AxisName | None ) -> V: ... def __jax_array__(self): return self.value # pickle support def __getstate__(self): return vars(self).copy() def __setstate__(self, state): vars(self).update(state) # -------------------------------------------- # proxy methods # -------------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, key) -> tp.Any: return self.value[key] # type: ignore def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: self.value[key] = value # type: ignore def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> tp.Any: return self.value(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.value) # type: ignore def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator: return iter(self.value) # type: ignore def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: return item in self.value # type: ignore def __add__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__add__(other) # type: ignore def __sub__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__sub__(other) # type: ignore def __mul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__mul__(other) # type: ignore def __matmul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__matmul__(other) # type: ignore def __truediv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__truediv__(other) # type: ignore def __floordiv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__floordiv__(other) # type: ignore def __mod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__mod__(other) # type: ignore def __divmod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__divmod__(other) # type: ignore def __pow__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__pow__(other) # type: ignore def __lshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__lshift__(other) # type: ignore def __rshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rshift__(other) # type: ignore def __and__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__and__(other) # type: ignore def __xor__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__xor__(other) # type: ignore def __or__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__or__(other) # type: ignore def __radd__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__radd__(other) # type: ignore def __rsub__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rsub__(other) # type: ignore def __rmul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rmul__(other) # type: ignore def __rmatmul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rmatmul__(other) # type: ignore def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rtruediv__(other) # type: ignore def __rfloordiv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rfloordiv__(other) # type: ignore def __rmod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rmod__(other) # type: ignore def __rdivmod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rdivmod__(other) # type: ignore def __rpow__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rpow__(other) # type: ignore def __rlshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rlshift__(other) # type: ignore def __rrshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rrshift__(other) # type: ignore def __rand__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rand__(other) # type: ignore def __rxor__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rxor__(other) # type: ignore def __ror__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__ror__(other) # type: ignore def __iadd__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__iadd__'): value.__iadd__(other) else: self.value = value.__add__(other) return self def __isub__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__isub__'): value.__isub__(other) else: self.value = value.__sub__(other) return self def __imul__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__imul__'): value.__imul__(other) else: self.value = value.__mul__(other) return self def __imatmul__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__imatmul__'): value.__imatmul__(other) else: self.value = value.__matmul__(other) return self def __itruediv__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__itruediv__'): value.__itruediv__(other) else: self.value = value.__truediv__(other) return self def __ifloordiv__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__ifloordiv__'): value.__ifloordiv__(other) else: self.value = value.__floordiv__(other) return self def __imod__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__imod__'): value.__imod__(other) else: self.value = value.__mod__(other) return self def __ipow__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__ipow__'): value.__ipow__(other) else: self.value = value.__pow__(other) return self def __ilshift__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__ilshift__'): value.__ilshift__(other) else: self.value = value.__lshift__(other) return self def __irshift__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__irshift__'): value.__irshift__(other) else: self.value = value.__rshift__(other) return self def __iand__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__iand__'): value.__iand__(other) else: self.value = value.__and__(other) return self def __ixor__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__ixor__'): value.__ixor__(other) else: self.value = value.__xor__(other) return self def __ior__(self: V, other) -> V: value = self.value if hasattr(value, '__ior__'): value.__ior__(other) else: self.value = value.__or__(other) return self def __neg__(self) -> A: return self.value.__neg__() # type: ignore def __pos__(self) -> A: return self.value.__pos__() # type: ignore def __abs__(self) -> A: return self.value.__abs__() # type: ignore def __invert__(self) -> A: return self.value.__invert__() # type: ignore def __complex__(self) -> A: return self.value.__complex__() # type: ignore def __int__(self) -> A: return self.value.__int__() # type: ignore def __float__(self) -> A: return self.value.__float__() # type: ignore def __index__(self) -> A: return self.value.__index__() # type: ignore def __round__(self, ndigits: int) -> A: return self.value.__round__(ndigits) # type: ignore def __trunc__(self) -> A: return self.value.__trunc__() # type: ignore def __floor__(self) -> A: return self.value.__floor__() # type: ignore def __ceil__(self) -> A: return self.value.__ceil__() # type: ignore
[docs]class Param(Variable[A]): """The canonical learnable parameter. All learnable parameters in NNX layer modules will have the ``Param`` :class:`Variable` type:: >>> from flax import nnx >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> layer = nnx.Linear(2, 3, rngs=nnx.Rngs(0)) >>>, nnx.state(layer)) State({ 'bias': VariableState( type=Param, value=(3,) ), 'kernel': VariableState( type=Param, value=(2, 3) ) }) """ pass
[docs]class BatchStat(Variable[A]): """The mean and variance batch statistics stored in the :class:`BatchNorm` layer. Note, these are not the learnable scale and bias parameters, but rather the running average statistics that are typically used during post-training inference:: >>> from flax import nnx >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> layer = nnx.BatchNorm(3, rngs=nnx.Rngs(0)) >>>, nnx.state(layer)) State({ 'bias': VariableState( type=Param, value=(3,) ), 'mean': VariableState( type=BatchStat, value=(3,) ), 'scale': VariableState( type=Param, value=(3,) ), 'var': VariableState( type=BatchStat, value=(3,) ) }) """ pass
[docs]class Cache(Variable[A]): """Autoregressive cache in :class:`MultiHeadAttention`:: >>> from flax import nnx >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> layer = nnx.MultiHeadAttention( ... num_heads=2, ... in_features=3, ... qkv_features=6, ... out_features=6, ... decode=True, ... rngs=nnx.Rngs(0), ... ) >>> layer.init_cache((1, 3)) >>>, nnx.state(layer, nnx.Cache)) State({ 'cache_index': VariableState( type=Cache, value=() ), 'cached_key': VariableState( type=Cache, value=(1, 2, 3) ), 'cached_value': VariableState( type=Cache, value=(1, 2, 3) ) }) """ pass
[docs]class Intermediate(Variable[A]): """:class:`Variable` type that is typically used for :func:`Module.sow`:: >>> from flax import nnx >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class Model(nnx.Module): ... def __init__(self, rngs): ... self.linear1 = nnx.Linear(2, 3, rngs=rngs) ... self.linear2 = nnx.Linear(3, 4, rngs=rngs) ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = self.linear1(x) ... self.sow(nnx.Intermediate, 'i', x) ... x = self.linear2(x) ... return x >>> model = Model(rngs=nnx.Rngs(0)) >>> x = jnp.ones((1, 2)) >>> y = model(x) >>>, nnx.state(model, nnx.Intermediate)) State({ 'i': VariableState( type=Intermediate, value=((1, 3),) ) }) """ pass
[docs]class VariableState(tp.Generic[A], reprlib.Representable): __slots__ = ('type', 'value', '_var_metadata') type: type[Variable[A]] value: A _var_metadata: dict[str, tp.Any] def __init__( self, type: type[Variable[A]], # type: ignore [valid-type] value: A, **metadata, ): object.__setattr__(self, 'type', type) object.__setattr__(self, 'value', value) object.__setattr__(self, '_var_metadata', metadata) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> None: var_metadata = object.__getattribute__(self, '_var_metadata') if name not in var_metadata: raise AttributeError(f"'VariableState' object has no attribute '{name}'") return var_metadata[name] def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: if name == 'type' or name == 'value' or name == '_var_metadata': object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: self._var_metadata[name] = value def __delattr__(self, name: str) -> None: if name == 'type' or name == 'value' or name == '_var_metadata': object.__delattr__(self, name) else: del self._var_metadata[name] def __nnx_repr__(self): yield reprlib.Object(type=type(self)) yield reprlib.Attr('type', self.type.__name__) yield reprlib.Attr('value', self.value) for name, value in self._var_metadata.items(): yield reprlib.Attr(name, repr(value)) def __treescope_repr__(self, path, subtree_renderer): import treescope # type: ignore[import-not-found,import-untyped] children = {'type': self.type, 'value': self.value, **self._var_metadata} return treescope.repr_lib.render_object_constructor( object_type=type(self), attributes=children, path=path, subtree_renderer=subtree_renderer, ) def replace(self, value: B) -> VariableState[B]: return VariableState(self.type, value, **self.get_metadata()) def to_variable(self) -> Variable[A]: # we use object.__new__ to avoid calling __init__ and bypass the # __init__ logic which should not be called twice variable = object.__new__(self.type) object.__setattr__(variable, '_trace_state', tracers.TraceState()) object.__setattr__(variable, 'raw_value', self.value) object.__setattr__(variable, '_var_metadata', self.get_metadata().copy()) return variable def copy(self: VariableState[A]) -> VariableState[A]: return x: x, self) def get_metadata(self) -> dict[str, tp.Any]: return self._var_metadata def add_axis(self, axis_index: AxisIndex, axis_name: AxisName | None): if 'on_add_axis' in self._var_metadata: self._var_metadata['on_add_axis'](self, axis_index, axis_name) def remove_axis(self, axis_index: AxisIndex, axis_name: AxisName | None): if 'on_remove_axis' in self._var_metadata: self._var_metadata['on_remove_axis'](self, axis_index, axis_name)
def _variable_state_flatten(x: VariableState[tp.Any], *, with_keys: bool): metadata = tuple(x.get_metadata().items()) if with_keys: node = (jtu.GetAttrKey('value'), x.value) else: node = x.value return (node,), (x.type, metadata) def _variable_state_unflatten( static: tuple[type[Variable[A]], tuple[tuple[str, tp.Any], ...]], children: tuple[A], ) -> VariableState[A]: return VariableState( type=static[0], value=children[0], **dict(static[1]), ) jtu.register_pytree_with_keys( VariableState, partial(_variable_state_flatten, with_keys=True), # type: ignore _variable_state_unflatten, # type: ignore flatten_func=partial(_variable_state_flatten, with_keys=False), # type: ignore )
[docs]def with_metadata( initializer: F, set_value_hooks: tp.Union[SetValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[SetValueHook[A]]] = (), get_value_hooks: tp.Union[SetValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[SetValueHook[A]]] = (), create_value_hooks: tp.Union[ CreateValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[CreateValueHook[A]] ] = (), add_axis_hooks: tp.Union[ AddAxisHook[Variable[A]], tp.Sequence[AddAxisHook[Variable[A]]] ] = (), remove_axis_hooks: tp.Union[ RemoveAxisHook[Variable[A]], tp.Sequence[RemoveAxisHook[Variable[A]]], ] = (), **metadata: tp.Any, ) -> F: if set_value_hooks: if callable(set_value_hooks): set_value_hooks = (set_value_hooks,) else: set_value_hooks = tuple(set_value_hooks) else: set_value_hooks = () if get_value_hooks: if callable(get_value_hooks): get_value_hooks = (get_value_hooks,) else: get_value_hooks = tuple(get_value_hooks) else: get_value_hooks = () if create_value_hooks: if callable(create_value_hooks): create_value_hooks = (create_value_hooks,) else: create_value_hooks = tuple(create_value_hooks) else: create_value_hooks = () if add_axis_hooks: if callable(add_axis_hooks): add_axis_hooks = (add_axis_hooks,) else: add_axis_hooks = tuple(add_axis_hooks) else: add_axis_hooks = () if remove_axis_hooks: if callable(remove_axis_hooks): remove_axis_hooks = (remove_axis_hooks,) else: remove_axis_hooks = tuple(remove_axis_hooks) else: remove_axis_hooks = () @functools.wraps(initializer) def wrapper(*args): return VariableMetadata( initializer(*args), set_value_hooks=set_value_hooks, get_value_hooks=get_value_hooks, create_value_hooks=create_value_hooks, add_axis_hooks=add_axis_hooks, remove_axis_hooks=remove_axis_hooks, metadata=metadata, ) return wrapper # type: ignore
def split_flat_state( flat_state: tp.Iterable[tuple[PathParts, Variable | VariableState]], filters: tuple[filterlib.Filter, ...], ) -> tuple[list[tuple[PathParts, Variable | VariableState]], ...]: predicates = filterlib.filters_to_predicates(filters) # we have n + 1 states, where n is the number of predicates # the last state is for values that don't match any predicate flat_states: tuple[list[tuple[PathParts, Variable | VariableState]], ...] = ( tuple([] for _ in predicates) ) for path, value in flat_state: for i, predicate in enumerate(predicates): if predicate(path, value): flat_states[i].append((path, value)) break else: raise ValueError( 'Non-exhaustive filters, got a non-empty remainder: ' f'{path} -> {value}.' '\nUse `...` to match all remaining elements.' ) return flat_states