Source code for flax.configurations

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"""Global configuration flags for Flax."""

import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Generic, NoReturn, TypeVar, overload

_T = TypeVar('_T')

[docs]class Config: # See _HAS_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTES = True def __init__(self): self._values = {} def _add_option(self, name, default): if name in self._values: raise RuntimeError(f'Config option {name} already defined') self._values[name] = default def _read(self, name): try: return self._values[name] except KeyError: raise LookupError(f'Unrecognized config option: {name}') @overload def update(self, name: str, value: Any, /) -> None: ... @overload def update(self, holder: 'FlagHolder[_T]', value: _T, /) -> None: ...
[docs] def update(self, name_or_holder, value, /): """Modify the value of a given flag. Args: name_or_holder: the name of the flag to modify or the corresponding flag holder object. value: new value to set. """ name = name_or_holder if isinstance(name_or_holder, FlagHolder): name = if name not in self._values: raise LookupError(f'Unrecognized config option: {name}') self._values[name] = value
config = Config() # Config parsing utils class FlagHolder(Generic[_T]): def __init__(self, name, help): = name self.__name__ = name[4:] if name.startswith('flax_') else name self.__doc__ = f'Flag holder for `{name}`.\n\n{help}' def __bool__(self) -> NoReturn: raise TypeError( "bool() not supported for instances of type '{0}' " "(did you mean to use '{0}.value' instead?)".format(type(self).__name__) ) @property def value(self) -> _T: return config._read( def bool_flag(name: str, *, default: bool, help: str) -> FlagHolder[bool]: """Set up a boolean flag. Example:: enable_foo = bool_flag( name='flax_enable_foo', default=False, help='Enable foo.', ) Now the ``FLAX_ENABLE_FOO`` shell environment variable can be used to control the process-level value of the flag, in addition to using e.g. ``config.update("flax_enable_foo", True)`` directly. Args: name: converted to lowercase to define the name of the flag. It is converted to uppercase to define the corresponding shell environment variable. default: a default value for the flag. help: used to populate the docstring of the returned flag holder object. Returns: A flag holder object for accessing the value of the flag. """ name = name.lower() config._add_option(name, static_bool_env(name.upper(), default)) fh = FlagHolder[bool](name, help) setattr(Config, name, property(lambda _: fh.value, doc=help)) return fh def static_bool_env(varname: str, default: bool) -> bool: """Read an environment variable and interpret it as a boolean. This is deprecated. Please use bool_flag() unless your flag will be used in a static method and does not require runtime updates. True values are (case insensitive): 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'. Args: varname: the name of the variable default: the default boolean value Returns: boolean return value derived from defaults and environment. Raises: ValueError if the environment variable is anything else. """ val = os.getenv(varname, str(default)) val = val.lower() if val in ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', '1'): return True elif val in ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', '0'): return False else: raise ValueError( 'invalid truth value {!r} for environment {!r}'.format(val, varname) ) @contextmanager def temp_flip_flag(var_name: str, var_value: bool): """Context manager to temporarily flip feature flags for test functions. Args: var_name: the config variable name (without the 'flax_' prefix) var_value: the boolean value to set var_name to temporarily """ old_value = getattr(config, f'flax_{var_name}') try: config.update(f'flax_{var_name}', var_value) yield finally: config.update(f'flax_{var_name}', old_value) # Flax Global Configuration Variables: # Whether to use the lazy rng implementation. flax_lazy_rng = static_bool_env('FLAX_LAZY_RNG', True) flax_filter_frames = bool_flag( name='flax_filter_frames', default=True, help='Whether to hide flax-internal stack frames from tracebacks.', ) flax_profile = bool_flag( name='flax_profile', default=True, help='Whether to run Module methods under jax.named_scope for profiles.', ) flax_use_orbax_checkpointing = bool_flag( name='flax_use_orbax_checkpointing', default=True, help='Whether to use Orbax to save checkpoints.', ) flax_preserve_adopted_names = bool_flag( name='flax_preserve_adopted_names', default=False, help="When adopting outside modules, don't clobber existing names.", ) # TODO(marcuschiam): remove this feature flag once regular dict migration is complete flax_return_frozendict = bool_flag( name='flax_return_frozendict', default=False, help='Whether to return FrozenDicts when calling init or apply.', ) flax_fix_rng = bool_flag( name='flax_fix_rng_separator', default=False, help=( 'Whether to add separator characters when folding in static data into' ' PRNG keys.' ), )