Source code for flax.core.frozen_dict

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"""Frozen Dictionary."""

import collections
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Any, Dict, Hashable, Mapping, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import jax

from flax import serialization

class FrozenKeysView(
  """A wrapper for a more useful repr of the keys in a frozen dict."""

  def __repr__(self):
    return f'frozen_dict_keys({list(self)})'

class FrozenValuesView(
  """A wrapper for a more useful repr of the values in a frozen dict."""

  def __repr__(self):
    return f'frozen_dict_values({list(self)})'

K = TypeVar('K')
V = TypeVar('V')

def _indent(x, num_spaces):
  indent_str = ' ' * num_spaces
  lines = x.split('\n')
  assert not lines[-1]
  # skip the final line because it's empty and should not be indented.
  return '\n'.join(indent_str + line for line in lines[:-1]) + '\n'

[docs]@jax.tree_util.register_pytree_with_keys_class class FrozenDict(Mapping[K, V]): """An immutable variant of the Python dict.""" __slots__ = ('_dict', '_hash') def __init__(self, *args, __unsafe_skip_copy__=False, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=invalid-name # make sure the dict is as xs = dict(*args, **kwargs) if __unsafe_skip_copy__: self._dict = xs else: self._dict = _prepare_freeze(xs) self._hash = None def __getitem__(self, key): v = self._dict[key] if isinstance(v, dict): return FrozenDict(v) return v def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise ValueError('FrozenDict is immutable.') def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._dict def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) def __repr__(self): return self.pretty_repr() def __reduce__(self): return FrozenDict, (self.unfreeze(),)
[docs] def pretty_repr(self, num_spaces=4): """Returns an indented representation of the nested dictionary.""" def pretty_dict(x): if not isinstance(x, dict): return repr(x) rep = '' for key, val in x.items(): rep += f'{key}: {pretty_dict(val)},\n' if rep: return '{\n' + _indent(rep, num_spaces) + '}' else: return '{}' return f'FrozenDict({pretty_dict(self._dict)})'
def __hash__(self): if self._hash is None: h = 0 for key, value in self.items(): h ^= hash((key, value)) self._hash = h return self._hash
[docs] def copy( self, add_or_replace: Mapping[K, V] = MappingProxyType({}) ) -> 'FrozenDict[K, V]': """Create a new FrozenDict with additional or replaced entries.""" return type(self)({**self, **unfreeze(add_or_replace)}) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def keys(self): return FrozenKeysView(self) def values(self): return FrozenValuesView(self) def items(self): for key in self._dict: yield (key, self[key])
[docs] def pop(self, key: K) -> Tuple['FrozenDict[K, V]', V]: """Create a new FrozenDict where one entry is removed. Example:: >>> from flax.core import FrozenDict >>> variables = FrozenDict({'params': {...}, 'batch_stats': {...}}) >>> new_variables, params = variables.pop('params') Args: key: the key to remove from the dict Returns: A pair with the new FrozenDict and the removed value. """ value = self[key] new_dict = dict(self._dict) new_dict.pop(key) new_self = type(self)(new_dict) return new_self, value
[docs] def unfreeze(self) -> Dict[K, V]: """Unfreeze this FrozenDict. Returns: An unfrozen version of this FrozenDict instance. """ return unfreeze(self)
def tree_flatten_with_keys(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[Any, ...], Hashable]: """Flattens this FrozenDict. Returns: A flattened version of this FrozenDict instance. """ sorted_keys = sorted(self._dict) return tuple( [(jax.tree_util.DictKey(k), self._dict[k]) for k in sorted_keys] ), tuple(sorted_keys) @classmethod def tree_unflatten(cls, keys, values): # data is already deep copied due to tree map mechanism # we can skip the deep copy in the constructor return cls({k: v for k, v in zip(keys, values)}, __unsafe_skip_copy__=True)
def _prepare_freeze(xs: Any) -> Any: """Deep copy unfrozen dicts to make the dictionary FrozenDict safe.""" if isinstance(xs, FrozenDict): # we can safely ref share the internal state of a FrozenDict # because it is immutable. return xs._dict # pylint: disable=protected-access if not isinstance(xs, dict): # return a leaf as is. return xs # recursively copy dictionary to avoid ref sharing return {key: _prepare_freeze(val) for key, val in xs.items()}
[docs]def freeze(xs: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> FrozenDict[Any, Any]: """Freeze a nested dict. Makes a nested ``dict`` immutable by transforming it into ``FrozenDict``. Args: xs: Dictionary to freeze (a regualr Python dict). Returns: The frozen dictionary. """ return FrozenDict(xs)
[docs]def unfreeze(x: Union[FrozenDict, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """Unfreeze a FrozenDict. Makes a mutable copy of a ``FrozenDict`` mutable by transforming it into (nested) dict. Args: x: Frozen dictionary to unfreeze. Returns: The unfrozen dictionary (a regular Python dict). """ if isinstance(x, FrozenDict): # deep copy internal state of a FrozenDict # the dict branch would also work here but # it is much less performant because jax.tree_util.tree_map # uses an optimized C implementation. return jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda y: y, x._dict) # type: ignore elif isinstance(x, dict): ys = {} for key, value in x.items(): ys[key] = unfreeze(value) return ys else: return x
[docs]def copy( x: Union[FrozenDict, Dict[str, Any]], add_or_replace: Union[FrozenDict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]] = FrozenDict({}), ) -> Union[FrozenDict, Dict[str, Any]]: """Create a new dict with additional and/or replaced entries. This is a utility function that can act on either a FrozenDict or regular dict and mimics the behavior of ``FrozenDict.copy``. Example:: >>> from flax.core import FrozenDict, copy >>> variables = FrozenDict({'params': {...}, 'batch_stats': {...}}) >>> new_variables = copy(variables, {'additional_entries': 1}) Args: x: the dictionary to be copied and updated add_or_replace: dictionary of key-value pairs to add or replace in the dict x Returns: A new dict with the additional and/or replaced entries. """ if isinstance(x, FrozenDict): return x.copy(add_or_replace) elif isinstance(x, dict): new_dict = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda x: x, x ) # make a deep copy of dict x new_dict.update(add_or_replace) return new_dict raise TypeError(f'Expected FrozenDict or dict, got {type(x)}')
[docs]def pop( x: Union[FrozenDict, Dict[str, Any]], key: str ) -> Tuple[Union[FrozenDict, Dict[str, Any]], Any]: """Create a new dict where one entry is removed. This is a utility function that can act on either a FrozenDict or regular dict and mimics the behavior of ``FrozenDict.pop``. Example:: >>> from flax.core import FrozenDict, pop >>> variables = FrozenDict({'params': {...}, 'batch_stats': {...}}) >>> new_variables, params = pop(variables, 'params') Args: x: the dictionary to remove the entry from key: the key to remove from the dict Returns: A pair with the new dict and the removed value. """ if isinstance(x, FrozenDict): return x.pop(key) elif isinstance(x, dict): new_dict = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda x: x, x ) # make a deep copy of dict x value = new_dict.pop(key) return new_dict, value raise TypeError(f'Expected FrozenDict or dict, got {type(x)}')
[docs]def pretty_repr(x: Any, num_spaces: int = 4) -> str: """Returns an indented representation of the nested dictionary. This is a utility function that can act on either a FrozenDict or regular dict and mimics the behavior of ``FrozenDict.pretty_repr``. If x is any other dtype, this function will return ``repr(x)``. Args: x: the dictionary to be represented num_spaces: the number of space characters in each indentation level Returns: An indented string representation of the nested dictionary. """ if isinstance(x, FrozenDict): return x.pretty_repr() else: def pretty_dict(x): if not isinstance(x, dict): return repr(x) rep = '' for key, val in x.items(): rep += f'{key}: {pretty_dict(val)},\n' if rep: return '{\n' + _indent(rep, num_spaces) + '}' else: return '{}' return pretty_dict(x)
def _frozen_dict_state_dict(xs): return {key: serialization.to_state_dict(value) for key, value in xs.items()} def _restore_frozen_dict(xs, states): diff = set(map(str, xs.keys())).difference(map(str, states.keys())) if diff: raise ValueError( 'The target dict keys and state dict keys do not match, target dict' f' contains keys {diff} which are not present in state dict at path' f' {serialization.current_path()}' ) return FrozenDict( { key: serialization.from_state_dict(value, states[key], name=key) for key, value in xs.items() } ) serialization.register_serialization_state( FrozenDict, _frozen_dict_state_dict, _restore_frozen_dict )