Source code for flax.cursor

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import dataclasses
import enum
from typing import (

from flax.core import FrozenDict
from flax.errors import CursorFindError, TraverseTreeError

A = TypeVar('A')
Key = Any

class Indexable(Protocol):
  def __getitem__(self, key) -> Any:

class AccessType(enum.Enum):
  ITEM =
  ATTR =

class ParentKey(Generic[A]):
  parent: 'Cursor[A]'
  key: Key
  access_type: AccessType

def is_named_tuple(obj):
  return (
    isinstance(obj, tuple)
    and hasattr(obj, '_fields')
    and hasattr(obj, '_asdict')
    and hasattr(obj, '_replace')

def _traverse_tree(path, obj, *, update_fn=None, cond_fn=None):
  """Helper function for ``Cursor.apply_update`` and ``Cursor.find_all``.
  Exactly one of ``update_fn`` and ``cond_fn`` must be not None.

  - If ``update_fn`` is not None, then ``Cursor.apply_update`` is calling
    this function and ``_traverse_tree`` will return a generator where
    each generated element is of type Tuple[Tuple[Union[str, int], AccessType], Any].
    The first element is a tuple of the key path and access type where the
    change was applied from the ``update_fn``, and the second element is
    the newly modified value. If the generator is non-empty, then the
    tuple key path will always be non-empty as well.
  - If ``cond_fn`` is not None, then ``Cursor.find_all`` is calling this
    function and ``_traverse_tree`` will return a generator where each
    generated element is of type Tuple[Union[str, int], AccessType]. The
    tuple contains the key path and access type where the object was found
    that fulfilled the conditions of the ``cond_fn``.
  if not (bool(update_fn) ^ bool(cond_fn)):
    raise TraverseTreeError(update_fn, cond_fn)

  if path:
    str_path = '/'.join(str(key) for key, _ in path)
    if update_fn:
      new_obj = update_fn(str_path, obj)
      if new_obj is not obj:
        yield path, new_obj
    elif cond_fn(str_path, obj):  # type: ignore
      yield path

  if isinstance(obj, (FrozenDict, dict)):
    items = obj.items()
    access_type = AccessType.ITEM
  elif is_named_tuple(obj):
    items = ((name, getattr(obj, name)) for name in obj._fields)  # type: ignore
    access_type = AccessType.ATTR
  elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
    items = enumerate(obj)
    access_type = AccessType.ITEM
  elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj):
    items = (
      (, getattr(obj, for f in dataclasses.fields(obj) if f.init
    access_type = AccessType.ATTR

  if update_fn:
    for key, value in items:
      yield from _traverse_tree(
        path + ((key, access_type),), value, update_fn=update_fn
    for key, value in items:
      yield from _traverse_tree(
        path + ((key, access_type),), value, cond_fn=cond_fn

[docs]class Cursor(Generic[A]): _obj: A _parent_key: Optional[ParentKey[A]] _changes: Dict[Any, 'Cursor[A]'] def __init__(self, obj: A, parent_key: Optional[ParentKey[A]]): # NOTE: we use `vars` here to avoid calling `__setattr__` # vars(self) = self.__dict__ vars(self)['_obj'] = obj vars(self)['_parent_key'] = parent_key vars(self)['_changes'] = {} @property def _root(self) -> 'Cursor[A]': if self._parent_key is None: return self else: return self._parent_key.parent._root # type: ignore @property def _path(self) -> str: if self._parent_key is None: return '' if self._parent_key.access_type == AccessType.ITEM: # type: ignore if isinstance(self._parent_key.key, str): # type: ignore key = "'" + self._parent_key.key + "'" # type: ignore else: key = str(self._parent_key.key) # type: ignore return self._parent_key.parent._path + '[' + key + ']' # type: ignore # self.parent_key.access_type == AccessType.ATTR: return self._parent_key.parent._path + '.' + self._parent_key.key # type: ignore def __getitem__(self, key) -> 'Cursor[A]': if key in self._changes: return self._changes[key] if not isinstance(self._obj, Indexable): raise TypeError(f'Cannot index into {self._obj}') if isinstance(self._obj, Mapping) and key not in self._obj: raise KeyError(f'Key {key} not found in {self._obj}') if is_named_tuple(self._obj): return getattr(self, self._obj._fields[key]) # type: ignore child = Cursor(self._obj[key], ParentKey(self, key, AccessType.ITEM)) self._changes[key] = child return child def __getattr__(self, name) -> 'Cursor[A]': if name in self._changes: return self._changes[name] if not hasattr(self._obj, name): raise AttributeError(f'Attribute {name} not found in {self._obj}') child = Cursor( getattr(self._obj, name), ParentKey(self, name, AccessType.ATTR) ) self._changes[name] = child return child def __setitem__(self, key, value): if is_named_tuple(self._obj): return setattr(self, self._obj._fields[key], value) # type: ignore self._changes[key] = Cursor(value, ParentKey(self, key, AccessType.ITEM)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._changes[name] = Cursor(value, ParentKey(self, name, AccessType.ATTR))
[docs] def set(self, value) -> A: """Set a new value for an attribute, property, element or entry in the Cursor object and return a copy of the original object, containing the new set value. Example:: >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> from import train_state >>> import optax >>> dict_obj = {'a': 1, 'b': (2, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} >>> modified_dict_obj = cursor(dict_obj)['b'][0].set(10) >>> assert modified_dict_obj == {'a': 1, 'b': (10, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} >>> state = train_state.TrainState.create( ... apply_fn=lambda x: x, ... params=dict_obj, ... tx=optax.adam(1e-3), ... ) >>> modified_state = cursor(state).params['b'][1].set(10) >>> assert modified_state.params == {'a': 1, 'b': (2, 10), 'c': [4, 5]} Args: value: the value used to set an attribute, property, element or entry in the Cursor object Returns: A copy of the original object with the new set value. """ if self._parent_key is None: return value parent, key = self._parent_key.parent, self._parent_key.key # type: ignore parent._changes[key] = Cursor(value, self._parent_key) return
[docs] def build(self) -> A: """Create and return a copy of the original object with accumulated changes. This method is to be called after making changes to the Cursor object. .. note:: The new object is built bottom-up, the changes will be first applied to the leaf nodes, and then its parent, all the way up to the root. Example:: >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> from import train_state >>> import optax >>> dict_obj = {'a': 1, 'b': (2, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} >>> c = cursor(dict_obj) >>> c['b'][0] = 10 >>> c['a'] = (100, 200) >>> modified_dict_obj = >>> assert modified_dict_obj == {'a': (100, 200), 'b': (10, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} >>> state = train_state.TrainState.create( ... apply_fn=lambda x: x, ... params=dict_obj, ... tx=optax.adam(1e-3), ... ) >>> new_fn = lambda x: x + 1 >>> c = cursor(state) >>> c.params['b'][1] = 10 >>> c.apply_fn = new_fn >>> modified_state = >>> assert modified_state.params == {'a': 1, 'b': (2, 10), 'c': [4, 5]} >>> assert modified_state.apply_fn == new_fn Returns: A copy of the original object with the accumulated changes. """ changes = { key: if isinstance(child, Cursor) else child for key, child in self._changes.items() } if isinstance(self._obj, FrozenDict): obj = self._obj.copy(changes) # type: ignore elif isinstance(self._obj, (dict, list)): obj = self._obj.copy() # type: ignore for key, value in changes.items(): obj[key] = value elif is_named_tuple(self._obj): obj = self._obj._replace(**changes) # type: ignore elif isinstance(self._obj, tuple): obj = list(self._obj) # type: ignore for key, value in changes.items(): obj[key] = value obj = tuple(obj) # type: ignore elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(self._obj): obj = dataclasses.replace(self._obj, **changes) # type: ignore else: obj = self._obj # type: ignore return obj # type: ignore
[docs] def apply_update( self, update_fn: Callable[[str, Any], Any], ) -> 'Cursor[A]': """Traverse the Cursor object and record conditional changes recursively via an ``update_fn``. The changes are recorded in the Cursor object's ``._changes`` dictionary. To generate a copy of the original object with the accumulated changes, call the ``.build`` method after calling ``.apply_update``. The ``update_fn`` has a function signature of ``(str, Any) -> Any``: - The input arguments are the current key path (in the form of a string delimited by ``'/'``) and value at that current key path - The output is the new value (either modified by the ``update_fn`` or same as the input value if the condition wasn't fulfilled) .. note:: - If the ``update_fn`` returns a modified value, this method will not recurse any further down that branch to record changes. For example, if we intend to replace an attribute that points to a dictionary with an int, we don't need to look for further changes inside the dictionary, since the dictionary will be replaced anyways. - The ``is`` operator is used to determine whether the return value is modified (by comparing it to the input value). Therefore if the ``update_fn`` modifies a mutable container (e.g. lists, dicts, etc.) and returns the same container, ``.apply_update`` will treat the returned value as unmodified as it contains the same ``id``. To avoid this, return a copy of the modified value. - ``.apply_update`` WILL NOT call the ``update_fn`` to the value at the top-most level of the pytree (i.e. the root node). The ``update_fn`` will first be called on the root node's children, and then the pytree traversal will continue recursively from there. Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class Model(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... return x >>> params = Model().init(jax.random.key(0), jnp.empty((1, 2)))['params'] >>> def update_fn(path, value): ... '''Multiply all dense kernel params by 2 and add 1. ... Subtract the Dense_1 bias param by 1.''' ... if 'kernel' in path: ... return value * 2 + 1 ... elif 'Dense_1' in path and 'bias' in path: ... return value - 1 ... return value >>> c = cursor(params) >>> new_params = c.apply_update(update_fn).build() >>> for layer in ('Dense_0', 'Dense_1', 'Dense_2'): ... assert (new_params[layer]['kernel'] == 2 * params[layer]['kernel'] + 1).all() ... if layer == 'Dense_1': ... assert (new_params[layer]['bias'] == params[layer]['bias'] - 1).all() ... else: ... assert (new_params[layer]['bias'] == params[layer]['bias']).all() >>> assert jax.tree_util.tree_all( ... jax.tree_util.tree_map( ... lambda x, y: (x == y).all(), ... params, ... Model().init(jax.random.key(0), jnp.empty((1, 2)))[ ... 'params' ... ], ... ) ... ) # make sure original params are unchanged Args: update_fn: the function that will conditionally record changes to the Cursor object Returns: The current Cursor object with the recorded conditional changes specified by the ``update_fn``. To generate a copy of the original object with the accumulated changes, call the ``.build`` method after calling ``.apply_update``. """ for path, value in _traverse_tree((), self._obj, update_fn=update_fn): child = self for key, access_type in path[:-1]: if access_type is AccessType.ITEM: child = child[key] else: # access_type is AccessType.ATTR child = getattr(child, key) key, access_type = path[-1] if access_type is AccessType.ITEM: child[key] = value else: # access_type is AccessType.ATTR setattr(child, key, value) return self
[docs] def find(self, cond_fn: Callable[[str, Any], bool]) -> 'Cursor[A]': """Traverse the Cursor object and return a child Cursor object that fulfill the conditions in the ``cond_fn``. The ``cond_fn`` has a function signature of ``(str, Any) -> bool``: - The input arguments are the current key path (in the form of a string delimited by ``'/'``) and value at that current key path - The output is a boolean, denoting whether to return the child Cursor object at this path Raises a :meth:`CursorFindError <flax.errors.CursorFindError>` if no object or more than one object is found that fulfills the condition of the ``cond_fn``. We raise an error because the user should always expect this method to return the only object whose corresponding key path and value fulfill the condition of the ``cond_fn``. .. note:: - If the ``cond_fn`` evaluates to True at a particular key path, this method will not recurse any further down that branch; i.e. this method will find and return the "earliest" child node that fulfills the condition in ``cond_fn`` in a particular key path - ``.find`` WILL NOT search the the value at the top-most level of the pytree (i.e. the root node). The ``cond_fn`` will be evaluated recursively, starting at the root node's children. Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class Model(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... return x >>> params = Model().init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), jnp.empty((1, 2)))['params'] >>> def cond_fn(path, value): ... '''Find the second dense layer params.''' ... return 'Dense_1' in path >>> new_params = cursor(params).find(cond_fn)['bias'].set(params['Dense_1']['bias'] + 1) >>> for layer in ('Dense_0', 'Dense_1', 'Dense_2'): ... if layer == 'Dense_1': ... assert (new_params[layer]['bias'] == params[layer]['bias'] + 1).all() ... else: ... assert (new_params[layer]['bias'] == params[layer]['bias']).all() >>> c = cursor(params) >>> c2 = c.find(cond_fn) >>> c2['kernel'] += 2 >>> c2['bias'] += 2 >>> new_params = >>> for layer in ('Dense_0', 'Dense_1', 'Dense_2'): ... if layer == 'Dense_1': ... assert (new_params[layer]['kernel'] == params[layer]['kernel'] + 2).all() ... assert (new_params[layer]['bias'] == params[layer]['bias'] + 2).all() ... else: ... assert (new_params[layer]['kernel'] == params[layer]['kernel']).all() ... assert (new_params[layer]['bias'] == params[layer]['bias']).all() >>> assert jax.tree_util.tree_all( ... jax.tree_util.tree_map( ... lambda x, y: (x == y).all(), ... params, ... Model().init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), jnp.empty((1, 2)))[ ... 'params' ... ], ... ) ... ) # make sure original params are unchanged Args: cond_fn: the function that will conditionally find child Cursor objects Returns: A child Cursor object that fulfills the condition in the ``cond_fn``. """ generator = self.find_all(cond_fn) try: cursor = next(generator) except StopIteration: raise CursorFindError() try: cursor2 = next(generator) raise CursorFindError(cursor, cursor2) except StopIteration: return cursor
[docs] def find_all( self, cond_fn: Callable[[str, Any], bool] ) -> Generator['Cursor[A]', None, None]: """Traverse the Cursor object and return a generator of child Cursor objects that fulfill the conditions in the ``cond_fn``. The ``cond_fn`` has a function signature of ``(str, Any) -> bool``: - The input arguments are the current key path (in the form of a string delimited by ``'/'``) and value at that current key path - The output is a boolean, denoting whether to return the child Cursor object at this path .. note:: - If the ``cond_fn`` evaluates to True at a particular key path, this method will not recurse any further down that branch; i.e. this method will find and return the "earliest" child nodes that fulfill the condition in ``cond_fn`` in a particular key path - ``.find_all`` WILL NOT search the the value at the top-most level of the pytree (i.e. the root node). The ``cond_fn`` will be evaluated recursively, starting at the root node's children. Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class Model(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... return x >>> params = Model().init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), jnp.empty((1, 2)))['params'] >>> def cond_fn(path, value): ... '''Find all dense layer params.''' ... return 'Dense' in path >>> c = cursor(params) >>> for dense_params in c.find_all(cond_fn): ... dense_params['bias'] += 1 >>> new_params = >>> for layer in ('Dense_0', 'Dense_1', 'Dense_2'): ... assert (new_params[layer]['bias'] == params[layer]['bias'] + 1).all() >>> assert jax.tree_util.tree_all( ... jax.tree_util.tree_map( ... lambda x, y: (x == y).all(), ... params, ... Model().init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), jnp.empty((1, 2)))[ ... 'params' ... ], ... ) ... ) # make sure original params are unchanged Args: cond_fn: the function that will conditionally find child Cursor objects Returns: A generator of child Cursor objects that fulfill the condition in the ``cond_fn``. """ for path in _traverse_tree((), self._obj, cond_fn=cond_fn): child = self for key, access_type in path: if access_type is AccessType.ITEM: child = child[key] else: # access_type is AccessType.ATTR child = getattr(child, key) yield child
def __str__(self): return str(self._obj) def __repr__(self): return self._pretty_repr() def _pretty_repr(self, indent=2, _prefix_indent=0): s = 'Cursor(\n' obj_str = repr(self._obj).replace( '\n', '\n' + ' ' * (_prefix_indent + indent) ) s += ' ' * (_prefix_indent + indent) + f'_obj={obj_str},\n' s += ' ' * (_prefix_indent + indent) + '_changes={' if self._changes: s += '\n' for key in self._changes: str_key = repr(key) prefix = ' ' * (_prefix_indent + 2 * indent) + str_key + ': ' s += ( prefix + self._changes[key]._pretty_repr( indent=indent, _prefix_indent=len(prefix) ) + ',\n' ) s = s[ :-2 ] # remove comma and newline character for last element in self._changes s += '\n' + ' ' * (_prefix_indent + indent) + '}\n' else: s += '}\n' s += ' ' * _prefix_indent + ')' return s def __len__(self): return len(self._obj) def __iter__(self): if isinstance(self._obj, (tuple, list)): return (self[i] for i in range(len(self._obj))) else: raise NotImplementedError( '__iter__ method only implemented for tuples and lists, not type' f' {type(self._obj)}' ) def __reversed__(self): if isinstance(self._obj, (tuple, list)): return (self[i] for i in range(len(self._obj) - 1, -1, -1)) else: raise NotImplementedError( '__reversed__ method only implemented for tuples and lists, not type' f' {type(self._obj)}' ) def __add__(self, other): return self._obj + other def __sub__(self, other): return self._obj - other def __mul__(self, other): return self._obj * other def __matmul__(self, other): return self._obj @ other def __truediv__(self, other): return self._obj / other def __floordiv__(self, other): return self._obj // other def __mod__(self, other): return self._obj % other def __divmod__(self, other): return divmod(self._obj, other) def __pow__(self, other): return pow(self._obj, other) def __lshift__(self, other): return self._obj << other def __rshift__(self, other): return self._obj >> other def __and__(self, other): return self._obj & other def __xor__(self, other): return self._obj ^ other def __or__(self, other): return self._obj | other def __radd__(self, other): return other + self._obj def __rsub__(self, other): return other - self._obj def __rmul__(self, other): return other * self._obj def __rmatmul__(self, other): return other @ self._obj def __rtruediv__(self, other): return other / self._obj def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return other // self._obj def __rmod__(self, other): return other % self._obj def __rdivmod__(self, other): return divmod(other, self._obj) def __rpow__(self, other): return pow(other, self._obj) def __rlshift__(self, other): return other << self._obj def __rrshift__(self, other): return other >> self._obj def __rand__(self, other): return other & self._obj def __rxor__(self, other): return other ^ self._obj def __ror__(self, other): return other | self._obj def __neg__(self): return -self._obj def __pos__(self): return +self._obj def __abs__(self): return abs(self._obj) def __invert__(self): return ~self._obj def __round__(self, ndigits=None): return round(self._obj, ndigits) def __lt__(self, other): return self._obj < other def __le__(self, other): return self._obj <= other def __eq__(self, other): return self._obj == other def __ne__(self, other): return self._obj != other def __gt__(self, other): return self._obj > other def __ge__(self, other): return self._obj >= other
[docs]def cursor(obj: A) -> Cursor[A]: """Wrap :class:`Cursor <flax.cursor.Cursor>` over ``obj`` and return it. Changes can then be applied to the Cursor object in the following ways: - single-line change via the ``.set`` method - multiple changes, and then calling the ``.build`` method - multiple changes conditioned on the pytree path and node value via the ``.apply_update`` method, and then calling the ``.build`` method ``.set`` example:: >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> dict_obj = {'a': 1, 'b': (2, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} >>> modified_dict_obj = cursor(dict_obj)['b'][0].set(10) >>> assert modified_dict_obj == {'a': 1, 'b': (10, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} ``.build`` example:: >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> dict_obj = {'a': 1, 'b': (2, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} >>> c = cursor(dict_obj) >>> c['b'][0] = 10 >>> c['a'] = (100, 200) >>> modified_dict_obj = >>> assert modified_dict_obj == {'a': (100, 200), 'b': (10, 3), 'c': [4, 5]} ``.apply_update`` example:: >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> from import train_state >>> import optax >>> def update_fn(path, value): ... '''Replace params with empty dictionary.''' ... if 'params' in path: ... return {} ... return value >>> state = train_state.TrainState.create( ... apply_fn=lambda x: x, ... params={'a': 1, 'b': 2}, ... tx=optax.adam(1e-3), ... ) >>> c = cursor(state) >>> state2 = c.apply_update(update_fn).build() >>> assert state2.params == {} >>> assert state.params == {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # make sure original params are unchanged If the underlying ``obj`` is a ``list`` or ``tuple``, iterating over the Cursor object to get the child Cursors is also possible:: >>> from flax.cursor import cursor >>> c = cursor(((1, 2), (3, 4))) >>> for child_c in c: ... child_c[1] *= -1 >>> assert == ((1, -2), (3, -4)) View the docstrings for each method to see more examples of their usage. Args: obj: the object you want to wrap the Cursor in Returns: A Cursor object wrapped around obj. """ return Cursor(obj, None)