Source code for flax.experimental.nnx.nnx.rnglib

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# Copyright 2023 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import functools
import typing as tp

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from flax.experimental.nnx.nnx import graph
from flax.experimental.nnx.nnx.state import State
from flax.experimental.nnx.nnx.variables import Variable
from flax.experimental.nnx.nnx import filterlib
from flax.experimental.nnx.nnx.graph import GraphNode

Counts = list[int]
AxesValue = tp.Union[int, None]
SplitPattern = tp.Union[AxesValue, tuple[AxesValue, ...]]

class Missing:

MISSING = Missing()

class RngState(Variable[jax.Array]):

class RngCount(RngState):

class RngKey(RngState):
  tag: str

class RngKeyBackup(RngState):

NotKey = filterlib.All(RngState, filterlib.Not(RngKey))

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(repr=False) class RngStream(GraphNode): def __init__( self, tag: str, key: jax.Array, count: jax.Array, ): self.key = RngKey(key, tag=tag) self.count = RngCount(count) self.key_backups: list[RngKeyBackup] = [] def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.key, jax.Array): raise TypeError(f'key must be a jax.Array, got {type(self.key)}') def __call__(self) -> jax.Array: self.check_valid_context( 'Cannot call RngStream from a different trace level' ) key = jax.random.fold_in(self.key.value, self.count.value) self.count.value += 1 return key def fork(self, pattern: SplitPattern) -> jax.Array: if pattern is None: # broadcast key key = self() else: num_splits: int | tuple[int, ...] if isinstance(pattern, int): num_splits = pattern else: num_splits = tuple(x if x is not None else 1 for x in pattern) key = jax.random.split(self.key.value, num_splits) self.count.value += 1 return key
RngValue = tp.Union[int, jax.Array] RngDict = tp.Union[ tp.Mapping[str, int], tp.Mapping[str, jax.Array], tp.Mapping[str, RngValue], ]
[docs]class Rngs(GraphNode, tp.Mapping[str, tp.Callable[[], jax.Array]]): def __init__( self, default: RngValue | RngDict | None = None, /, **rngs: RngValue, ): if default is not None: if isinstance(default, tp.Mapping): rngs = {**default, **rngs} else: rngs['default'] = default for name, value in rngs.items(): stream = RngStream( tag=name, key=jax.random.key(value) if isinstance(value, int) else value, count=jnp.array(0, dtype=jnp.uint32), ) setattr(self, name, stream) def _get_stream(self, name: str, error_type: type[Exception]) -> RngStream: rngs_vars = vars(self) if name not in rngs_vars: if 'default' not in rngs_vars: raise error_type(f"No RNG named {name!r} or 'default' found in Rngs.") stream = rngs_vars['default'] else: stream = rngs_vars[name] return stream def __getitem__(self, name: str): return self._get_stream(name, KeyError) def __getattr__(self, name: str): return self._get_stream(name, AttributeError) def __call__(self): return self.default() def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[str]: for name in vars(self): if name != '_graph_node__state': yield name def __len__(self) -> int: return len(vars(self)) - 1 def __contains__(self, name: tp.Any) -> bool: return name in vars(self) def fork( self, _default: SplitPattern | dict[filterlib.Filter, SplitPattern] | Missing = MISSING, /, **patterns: SplitPattern, ) -> ForkedKeys: filter_patterns: list[tuple[filterlib.Filter, SplitPattern]] if isinstance(_default, dict): # merge default and patterns filter_patterns = [ *_default.items(), *patterns.items(), (..., None), # broadcast all remaining ] else: default = None if isinstance(_default, Missing) else _default filter_patterns = [ *patterns.items(), (..., default), # split all remaining with default ] predicate_pattern = [ (filterlib.to_predicate(filter_), pattern) for filter_, pattern in filter_patterns ] splits: dict[str, jax.Array] = {} broadcasts: dict[str, jax.Array] = {} for name, stream in self.items(): for predicate, pattern in predicate_pattern: stream_path = (name,) # here we check if the stream's RngKey tag matches the predicate # the stream_path is no longer needed, but we keep it for consistency if predicate(stream_path, stream.key): fork = stream.fork(pattern) if pattern is None: broadcasts[name] = fork else: splits[name] = fork break else: raise RuntimeError( f'Strea {name!r} did not match any predicate, this is a bug.' ) return ForkedKeys(broadcasts, splits)
class ForkedKeys(tp.Mapping[str, jax.Array]): def __init__( self, broadcast_rngs: dict[str, jax.Array], split_rngs: dict[str, jax.Array], ): self.broadcasts = broadcast_rngs self.splits = split_rngs def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> jax.Array: if key in self.broadcasts: return self.broadcasts[key] elif key in self.splits: return self.splits[key] else: raise KeyError(f'Key "{key}" not found in SplitRng.') def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[str]: yield from self.broadcasts yield from self.splits def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.broadcasts) + len(self.splits) def _split_rng_flatten(rngs: ForkedKeys, *, with_keys: bool): broadcast_names = sorted(rngs.broadcasts.keys()) split_names = sorted(rngs.splits.keys()) items = [(name, rngs.broadcasts[name]) for name in broadcast_names] items += [(name, rngs.splits[name]) for name in split_names] nodes: tuple[jax.Array | tuple[jax.tree_util.DictKey, jax.Array], ...] if with_keys: nodes = tuple((jax.tree_util.DictKey(name), value) for name, value in items) else: nodes = tuple(value for _, value in items) metadata = (broadcast_names, split_names) return nodes, metadata def _split_rng_unflatten( metadata: tuple[tuple[str, ...], tuple[str, ...]], nodes: tuple[jax.Array, ...], ): broadcast_names, split_names = metadata num_broadcasts = len(broadcast_names) rngs = ForkedKeys( dict(zip(broadcast_names, nodes[:num_broadcasts])), dict(zip(split_names, nodes[num_broadcasts:])), ) return rngs jax.tree_util.register_pytree_with_keys( ForkedKeys, functools.partial(_split_rng_flatten, with_keys=True), # type: ignore _split_rng_unflatten, # type: ignore flatten_func=functools.partial(_split_rng_flatten, with_keys=False), # type: ignore ) def fork( state: State, split_filter: filterlib.Filter, split_pattern: SplitPattern, ) -> tuple[State, State]: if split_pattern is None: raise RuntimeError('Split pattern cannot be None, this is a bug.') num_splits: int | tuple[int, ...] if isinstance(split_pattern, int): num_splits = split_pattern else: num_splits = tuple(x if x is not None else 1 for x in split_pattern) not_keys, split_state, broadcast_state = state.split( NotKey, split_filter, ... ) broadcast_state = State.merge(not_keys, broadcast_state) def split_key(key: tp.Any) -> jax.Array: if not isinstance(key, jax.Array): raise TypeError(f'key must be a jax.Array, got {type(key)}') return jax.random.split(key, num_splits) split_state =, split_state) return split_state, broadcast_state def backup_keys(node: tp.Any, /): streams: list[RngStream] = [] for _, stream in graph.iter_nodes(node): if isinstance(stream, RngStream): stream.key_backups.append(RngKeyBackup(stream.key.value)) streams.append(stream) return streams def restore_keys(streams: list[RngStream], /): for stream in streams: if not stream.key_backups: raise RuntimeError('No key backups found.') backup = stream.key_backups.pop() stream.key.value = backup.value