Source code for flax.experimental.nnx.nnx.variables

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Copyright 2023 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import dataclasses
import functools
import typing as tp
from functools import partial
from typing import Any

import jax.tree_util as jtu

from flax.experimental.nnx.nnx import reprlib, tracers
from flax.experimental import nnx

A = tp.TypeVar('A')
B = tp.TypeVar('B')
F = tp.TypeVar('F', bound=tp.Callable[..., tp.Any])
V = tp.TypeVar('V', bound='Variable[Any]')
GetValueHook = tp.Callable[['Variable[A]', A], A]
SetValueHook = tp.Callable[['Variable[A]', A], A]
CreateValueHook = tp.Callable[['Variable[A]', A], A]
AxisName = str
AxisIndex = int
AddAxisHook = tp.Callable[[V, AxisName, AxisIndex], None]
RemoveAxisHook = tp.Callable[[V, AxisName, AxisIndex], None]

VariableTypeCache: dict[str, tp.Type['Variable[tp.Any]']] = {}

[docs]class Empty: def __repr__(self): return 'Empty' def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Empty) def __hash__(self): return hash(Empty)
jtu.register_pytree_node( Empty, lambda empty: ((), None), lambda _0, _1: EMPTY, ) EMPTY = Empty() class _Missing: pass MISSING = _Missing()
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class VariableMetadata(tp.Generic[A]): raw_value: A set_value_hooks: tuple[SetValueHook[A], ...] = () get_value_hooks: tuple[GetValueHook[A], ...] = () create_value_hooks: tuple[CreateValueHook[A], ...] = () add_axis_hooks: tuple[AddAxisHook['Variable[A]'], ...] = () remove_axis_hooks: tuple[RemoveAxisHook['Variable[A]'], ...] = () metadata: tp.Mapping[str, tp.Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
[docs]class Variable(tp.Generic[A], reprlib.Representable): raw_value: A set_value_hooks: tuple[SetValueHook[A], ...] get_value_hooks: tuple[GetValueHook[A], ...] create_value_hooks: tuple[CreateValueHook[A], ...] add_axis_hooks: tuple[AddAxisHook['Variable[A]'], ...] remove_axis_hooks: tuple[RemoveAxisHook['Variable[A]'], ...] _trace_state: tracers.TraceState def __init__( self, value: tp.Union[A, VariableMetadata[A]], set_value_hooks: tp.Union[ SetValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[SetValueHook[A]] ] = (), get_value_hooks: tp.Union[ GetValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[GetValueHook[A]] ] = (), create_value_hooks: tp.Union[ CreateValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[CreateValueHook[A]] ] = (), add_axis_hooks: tp.Union[ AddAxisHook['Variable[A]'], tp.Sequence[AddAxisHook['Variable[A]']] ] = (), remove_axis_hooks: tp.Union[ RemoveAxisHook['Variable[A]'], tp.Sequence[RemoveAxisHook['Variable[A]']], ] = (), **metadata: tp.Any, ): vars(self)['_trace_state'] = tracers.TraceState() if set_value_hooks: if callable(set_value_hooks): set_value_hooks = (set_value_hooks,) else: set_value_hooks = tuple(set_value_hooks) else: set_value_hooks = () if get_value_hooks: if callable(get_value_hooks): get_value_hooks = (get_value_hooks,) else: get_value_hooks = tuple(get_value_hooks) else: get_value_hooks = () if create_value_hooks: if callable(create_value_hooks): create_value_hooks = (create_value_hooks,) else: create_value_hooks = tuple(create_value_hooks) else: create_value_hooks = () if add_axis_hooks: if callable(add_axis_hooks): add_axis_hooks = (add_axis_hooks,) else: add_axis_hooks = tuple(add_axis_hooks) else: add_axis_hooks = () if remove_axis_hooks: if callable(remove_axis_hooks): remove_axis_hooks = (remove_axis_hooks,) else: remove_axis_hooks = tuple(remove_axis_hooks) else: remove_axis_hooks = () if isinstance(value, VariableMetadata): value_metadata = dict(value.metadata) if set_value_hooks and value.set_value_hooks: set_value_hooks = set_value_hooks + value.set_value_hooks elif value.set_value_hooks: set_value_hooks = value.set_value_hooks if get_value_hooks and value.get_value_hooks: get_value_hooks = get_value_hooks + value.get_value_hooks elif value.get_value_hooks: get_value_hooks = value.get_value_hooks if create_value_hooks and value.create_value_hooks: create_value_hooks = create_value_hooks + value.create_value_hooks elif value.create_value_hooks: create_value_hooks = value.create_value_hooks if add_axis_hooks and value.add_axis_hooks: add_axis_hooks = add_axis_hooks + value.add_axis_hooks elif value.add_axis_hooks: add_axis_hooks = value.add_axis_hooks if remove_axis_hooks and value.remove_axis_hooks: remove_axis_hooks = remove_axis_hooks + value.remove_axis_hooks elif value.remove_axis_hooks: remove_axis_hooks = value.remove_axis_hooks metadata.update(value_metadata) value = tp.cast(A, value.raw_value) if hasattr(self, 'on_get_value'): on_get_value = getattr(type(self), 'on_get_value') if on_get_value not in get_value_hooks: get_value_hooks = (on_get_value, *get_value_hooks) if hasattr(self, 'on_set_value'): on_set_value = getattr(type(self), 'on_set_value') if on_set_value not in set_value_hooks: set_value_hooks = (on_set_value, *set_value_hooks) if hasattr(self, 'on_create_value'): on_create_value = getattr(type(self), 'on_create_value') if on_create_value not in create_value_hooks: create_value_hooks = (on_create_value, *create_value_hooks) if hasattr(self, 'on_add_axis'): on_add_axis = getattr(type(self), 'on_add_axis') if on_add_axis not in add_axis_hooks: add_axis_hooks = (on_add_axis, *add_axis_hooks) if hasattr(self, 'on_remove_axis'): on_remove_axis = getattr(type(self), 'on_remove_axis') if on_remove_axis not in remove_axis_hooks: remove_axis_hooks = (on_remove_axis, *remove_axis_hooks) self.raw_value = value self.get_value_hooks = get_value_hooks self.set_value_hooks = set_value_hooks self.create_value_hooks = create_value_hooks self.add_axis_hooks = add_axis_hooks self.remove_axis_hooks = remove_axis_hooks vars(self).update(metadata) # run create_value hooks self.raw_value = self.create_value(self.raw_value) if tp.TYPE_CHECKING: def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> tp.Any: ... else: def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: return self._setattr(name, value) def _setattr(self, name: str, value: tp.Any): if not self._trace_state.is_valid(): raise nnx.errors.TraceContextError( f'Cannot mutate {type(self).__name__} from a different trace level' ) object.__setattr__(self, name, value) @classmethod def state(cls, value: A, **metadata) -> 'VariableState[A]': return cls(value, **metadata).to_state() def copy_from(self, other: 'Variable[A]') -> None: if type(self) is not type(other): raise ValueError( f'Cannot copy from incompatible container, ' f'expected {type(self).__name__}, got {type(other).__name__}' ) if self is other: return trace_state = self._trace_state vars_dict = vars(self) other_vars = vars(other).copy() del other_vars['_trace_state'] vars_dict.clear() vars_dict.update(other_vars, _trace_state=trace_state) def copy_from_state(self, variable_state: 'VariableState[A]'): trace_state = self._trace_state variable_vars = vars(self) variable_vars.clear() variable_vars.update( variable_state.get_metadata(), raw_value=variable_state.value, _trace_state=trace_state, ) @property def value(self) -> A: value = self.raw_value if self.get_value_hooks: for hook in self.get_value_hooks: value = hook(self, value) return value @value.setter def value(self, value: A): if isinstance(value, Variable): raise ValueError( 'Cannot set value to a Variable, ' 'use `copy_from` method instead' ) if self.set_value_hooks: for hook in self.set_value_hooks: value = hook(self, value) self.raw_value = value def create_value(self, value: A): for hook in self.create_value_hooks: value = hook(self, value) return value def add_axis(self, axis_name: AxisName, axis_index: AxisIndex): for hook in self.add_axis_hooks: hook(self, axis_name, axis_index) def remove_axis(self, axis_name: AxisName, axis_index: AxisIndex): for hook in self.remove_axis_hooks: hook(self, axis_name, axis_index) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return type(self) is type(other) and vars(other) == vars(self) @tp.overload def replace(self, value: B, **kwargs) -> 'Variable[B]': ... @tp.overload def replace(self, **kwargs) -> 'Variable[A]': ... def replace(self, value: tp.Any = MISSING, **kwargs) -> 'Variable[tp.Any]': if value is not MISSING: kwargs['raw_value'] = value # rename `value` to `raw_value` if 'value' in kwargs: kwargs['raw_value'] = kwargs.pop('value') # return `value` if it is a Variable if 'raw_value' in kwargs and isinstance( value := kwargs['raw_value'], Variable ): # remove value from kwargs kwargs.pop('raw_value') if type(self) is not type(value): raise ValueError( 'Cannot replace value from incompatible container, ' f'expected {type(self).__name__}, got {type(value).__name__}' ) # if kwargs aren't empty, recursively call replace # else return variable value if kwargs: return value.replace(**kwargs) else: return value # get and update attributes attributes = vars(self).copy() attributes.update(**kwargs) # return new instance with updated attributes obj = object.__new__(type(self)) vars(obj).update(attributes) return obj def copy(self: 'Variable[A]') -> 'Variable[A]': obj = object.__new__(type(self)) attributes = vars(self).copy() attributes['_trace_state'] = tracers.TraceState() vars(obj).update(attributes) return obj def to_state(self: 'Variable[A]') -> 'VariableState[A]': metadata = vars(self).copy() del metadata['raw_value'] del metadata['_trace_state'] return VariableState(type(self), self.raw_value, **metadata) def __nnx_repr__(self): yield reprlib.Object(type=type(self)) for name, value in vars(self).items(): if name == 'raw_value': name = 'value' if name.endswith('_hooks') or name == '_trace_state': continue yield reprlib.Attr(name, repr(value)) # hooks API if tp.TYPE_CHECKING: def on_get_value(self, value: A) -> A: raise NotImplementedError def on_set_value(self, value: A) -> A: raise NotImplementedError def on_create_value(self, value: A) -> A: raise NotImplementedError def on_add_axis(self: V, axis_name: AxisName, axis_index: AxisIndex) -> V: raise NotImplementedError def on_remove_axis( self: V, axis_name: AxisName, axis_index: AxisIndex ) -> V: raise NotImplementedError # operator overloads def __jax_array__(self): return self.value def __getitem__(self, key) -> tp.Any: return self.value.__getitem__(key) def __add__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__add__(other) # type: ignore def __sub__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__sub__(other) # type: ignore def __mul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__mul__(other) # type: ignore def __matmul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__matmul__(other) # type: ignore def __truediv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__truediv__(other) # type: ignore def __floordiv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__floordiv__(other) # type: ignore def __mod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__mod__(other) # type: ignore def __divmod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__divmod__(other) # type: ignore def __pow__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__pow__(other) # type: ignore def __lshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__lshift__(other) # type: ignore def __rshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rshift__(other) # type: ignore def __and__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__and__(other) # type: ignore def __xor__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__xor__(other) # type: ignore def __or__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__or__(other) # type: ignore def __radd__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__radd__(other) # type: ignore def __rsub__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rsub__(other) # type: ignore def __rmul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rmul__(other) # type: ignore def __rmatmul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rmatmul__(other) # type: ignore def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rtruediv__(other) # type: ignore def __rfloordiv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rfloordiv__(other) # type: ignore def __rmod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rmod__(other) # type: ignore def __rdivmod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rdivmod__(other) # type: ignore def __rpow__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rpow__(other) # type: ignore def __rlshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rlshift__(other) # type: ignore def __rrshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rrshift__(other) # type: ignore def __rand__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rand__(other) # type: ignore def __rxor__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__rxor__(other) # type: ignore def __ror__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__ror__(other) # type: ignore def __iadd__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__iadd__(other) # type: ignore def __isub__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__isub__(other) # type: ignore def __imul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__imul__(other) # type: ignore def __imatmul__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__imatmul__(other) # type: ignore def __itruediv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__itruediv__(other) # type: ignore def __ifloordiv__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__ifloordiv__(other) # type: ignore def __imod__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__imod__(other) # type: ignore def __ipow__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__ipow__(other) # type: ignore def __ilshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__ilshift__(other) # type: ignore def __irshift__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__irshift__(other) # type: ignore def __iand__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__iand__(other) # type: ignore def __ixor__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__ixor__(other) # type: ignore def __ior__(self, other) -> A: return self.value.__ior__(other) # type: ignore def __neg__(self) -> A: return self.value.__neg__() # type: ignore def __pos__(self) -> A: return self.value.__pos__() # type: ignore def __abs__(self) -> A: return self.value.__abs__() # type: ignore def __invert__(self) -> A: return self.value.__invert__() # type: ignore def __complex__(self) -> A: return self.value.__complex__() # type: ignore def __int__(self) -> A: return self.value.__int__() # type: ignore def __float__(self) -> A: return self.value.__float__() # type: ignore def __index__(self) -> A: return self.value.__index__() # type: ignore def __round__(self, ndigits: int) -> A: return self.value.__round__(ndigits) # type: ignore def __trunc__(self) -> A: return self.value.__trunc__() # type: ignore def __floor__(self) -> A: return self.value.__floor__() # type: ignore def __ceil__(self) -> A: return self.value.__ceil__() # type: ignore
[docs]class Param(Variable[A]): pass
[docs]class BatchStat(Variable[A]): pass
[docs]class Cache(Variable[A]): pass
[docs]class Intermediate(Variable[A]): pass
class VariableState(tp.Generic[A], reprlib.Representable): def __init__( self, type: tp.Type[Variable[A]], value: A, **metadata, ): self.type = type self.value = value vars(self).update(metadata) if tp.TYPE_CHECKING: def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> tp.Any: ... def __nnx_repr__(self): yield reprlib.Object(type=type(self)) yield reprlib.Attr('type', self.type.__name__) for name, value in vars(self).items(): if name == 'type' or name.endswith('_hooks'): continue yield reprlib.Attr(name, repr(value)) def replace(self, value: B) -> 'VariableState[B]': return VariableState(self.type, value, **self.get_metadata()) def to_variable(self) -> Variable[A]: # we use object.__new__ to avoid calling __init__ and bypass the # __init__ logic which should not be called twice metadata = self.get_metadata() variables = object.__new__(self.type) vars(variables).update( metadata, raw_value=self.value, _trace_state=tracers.TraceState() ) return variables def get_metadata(self) -> dict[str, tp.Any]: metadata = vars(self).copy() del metadata['type'] del metadata['value'] return metadata def add_axis(self, axis_name: AxisName, axis_index: AxisIndex): if not hasattr(self, 'add_axis_hooks'): raise ValueError(f'No add_axis_hooks found for VariableState: {self}') for hook in self.add_axis_hooks: hook(self, axis_name, axis_index) def remove_axis(self, axis_name: AxisName, axis_index: AxisIndex): if not hasattr(self, 'remove_axis_hooks'): raise ValueError(f'No remove_axis_hooks found for VariableState: {self}') for hook in self.remove_axis_hooks: hook(self, axis_name, axis_index) def _variable_state_flatten(x: VariableState[tp.Any], *, with_keys: bool): metadata = tuple(x.get_metadata().items()) if with_keys: node = (jtu.GetAttrKey('raw_value'), x.value) else: node = x.value return (node,), (x.type, metadata) def _variable_state_unflatten( static: tuple[type[Variable[A]], tuple[tuple[str, tp.Any], ...]], children: tuple[A], ) -> VariableState[A]: return VariableState( type=static[0], value=children[0], **dict(static[1]), ) jtu.register_pytree_with_keys( VariableState, partial(_variable_state_flatten, with_keys=True), # type: ignore _variable_state_unflatten, # type: ignore flatten_func=partial(_variable_state_flatten, with_keys=False), # type: ignore )
[docs]def with_metadata( initializer: F, set_value_hooks: tp.Union[SetValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[SetValueHook[A]]] = (), get_value_hooks: tp.Union[SetValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[SetValueHook[A]]] = (), create_value_hooks: tp.Union[ CreateValueHook[A], tp.Sequence[CreateValueHook[A]] ] = (), add_axis_hooks: tp.Union[ AddAxisHook['Variable[A]'], tp.Sequence[AddAxisHook['Variable[A]']] ] = (), remove_axis_hooks: tp.Union[ RemoveAxisHook['Variable[A]'], tp.Sequence[RemoveAxisHook['Variable[A]']], ] = (), **metadata: tp.Any, ) -> F: if set_value_hooks: if callable(set_value_hooks): set_value_hooks = (set_value_hooks,) else: set_value_hooks = tuple(set_value_hooks) else: set_value_hooks = () if get_value_hooks: if callable(get_value_hooks): get_value_hooks = (get_value_hooks,) else: get_value_hooks = tuple(get_value_hooks) else: get_value_hooks = () if create_value_hooks: if callable(create_value_hooks): create_value_hooks = (create_value_hooks,) else: create_value_hooks = tuple(create_value_hooks) else: create_value_hooks = () if add_axis_hooks: if callable(add_axis_hooks): add_axis_hooks = (add_axis_hooks,) else: add_axis_hooks = tuple(add_axis_hooks) else: add_axis_hooks = () if remove_axis_hooks: if callable(remove_axis_hooks): remove_axis_hooks = (remove_axis_hooks,) else: remove_axis_hooks = tuple(remove_axis_hooks) else: remove_axis_hooks = () @functools.wraps(initializer) def wrapper(*args): return VariableMetadata( initializer(*args), set_value_hooks=set_value_hooks, get_value_hooks=get_value_hooks, create_value_hooks=create_value_hooks, add_axis_hooks=add_axis_hooks, remove_axis_hooks=remove_axis_hooks, metadata=metadata, ) return wrapper # type: ignore
def variable_type(name: str) -> tp.Type[Variable[tp.Any]]: if name not in VariableTypeCache: VariableTypeCache[name] = type(name, (Variable,), {}) return VariableTypeCache[name] # add known variable type names VariableTypeCache['params'] = Param VariableTypeCache['batch_stats'] = BatchStat VariableTypeCache['cache'] = Cache VariableTypeCache['intermediates'] = Intermediate