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"""Early stopping."""

import math

from flax import struct

[docs]class EarlyStopping(struct.PyTreeNode): """Early stopping to avoid overfitting during training. The following example stops training early if the difference between losses recorded in the current epoch and previous epoch is less than 1e-3 consecutively for 2 times:: >>> from import EarlyStopping >>> def train_epoch(optimizer, train_ds, batch_size, epoch, input_rng): ... ... ... loss = [4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1][epoch] ... return None, {'loss': loss} >>> early_stop = EarlyStopping(min_delta=1e-3, patience=2) >>> optimizer = None >>> for epoch in range(10): ... optimizer, train_metrics = train_epoch( ... optimizer=optimizer, train_ds=None, batch_size=None, epoch=epoch, input_rng=None) ... early_stop = early_stop.update(train_metrics['loss']) ... if early_stop.should_stop: ... print(f'Met early stopping criteria, breaking at epoch {epoch}') ... break Met early stopping criteria, breaking at epoch 7 Attributes: min_delta: Minimum delta between updates to be considered an improvement. patience: Number of steps of no improvement before stopping. best_metric: Current best metric value. patience_count: Number of steps since last improving update. should_stop: Whether the training loop should stop to avoid overfitting. has_improved: Whether the metric has improved greater or equal to the min_delta in the last ``.update`` call. """ min_delta: float = 0 patience: int = 0 best_metric: float = float('inf') patience_count: int = 0 should_stop: bool = False has_improved: bool = False def reset(self): return self.replace( best_metric=float('inf'), patience_count=0, should_stop=False, has_improved=False, )
[docs] def update(self, metric): """Update the state based on metric. Returns: The updated EarlyStopping class. The ``.has_improved`` attribute is True when there was an improvement greater than ``min_delta`` from the previous ``best_metric``. """ if ( math.isinf(self.best_metric) or self.best_metric - metric > self.min_delta ): return self.replace( best_metric=metric, patience_count=0, has_improved=True ) else: should_stop = self.patience_count >= self.patience or self.should_stop return self.replace( patience_count=self.patience_count + 1, should_stop=should_stop, has_improved=False, )