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"""Learning rate schedules used in FLAX image classification examples.

Note that with `FLIP #1009`_ learning rate schedules in ```` are
**effectively deprecated** in favor of Optax_ schedules. Please refer to
`Optimizer Schedules`_ for more information.

.. _FLIP #1009:
.. _Optax:
.. _Optimizer Schedules:

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from absl import logging

def _piecewise_constant(boundaries, values, t):
  index = jnp.sum(boundaries < t)
  return jnp.take(values, index)

[docs]def create_constant_learning_rate_schedule( base_learning_rate, steps_per_epoch, warmup_length=0.0 ): """Create a constant learning rate schedule with optional warmup. Note that with `FLIP #1009`_ learning rate schedules in ```` are **effectively deprecated** in favor of Optax_ schedules. Please refer to `Optimizer Schedules`_ for more information. .. _FLIP #1009: .. _Optax: .. _Optimizer Schedules: Holds the learning rate constant. This function also offers a learing rate warmup as per, for the purpose of training with large mini-batches. Args: base_learning_rate: the base learning rate steps_per_epoch: the number of iterations per epoch warmup_length: if > 0, the learning rate will be modulated by a warmup factor that will linearly ramp-up from 0 to 1 over the first ``warmup_length`` epochs Returns: Function ``f(step) -> lr`` that computes the learning rate for a given step. """ logging.warning( 'Learning rate schedules in ```` are effectively deprecated ' 'in favor of Optax schedules. Please refer to ' '' ' for alternatives.' ) def learning_rate_fn(step): lr = base_learning_rate if warmup_length > 0.0: lr = lr * jnp.minimum(1.0, step / float(warmup_length) / steps_per_epoch) return lr return learning_rate_fn
[docs]def create_stepped_learning_rate_schedule( base_learning_rate, steps_per_epoch, lr_sched_steps, warmup_length=0.0 ): """Create a stepped learning rate schedule with optional warmup. Note that with `FLIP #1009`_ learning rate schedules in ```` are **effectively deprecated** in favor of Optax_ schedules. Please refer to `Optimizer Schedules`_ for more information. .. _FLIP #1009: .. _Optax: .. _Optimizer Schedules: A stepped learning rate schedule decreases the learning rate by specified amounts at specified epochs. The steps are given as the ``lr_sched_steps`` parameter. A common ImageNet schedule decays the learning rate by a factor of 0.1 at epochs 30, 60 and 80. This would be specified as:: [ [30, 0.1], [60, 0.01], [80, 0.001] ] This function also offers a learing rate warmup as per, for the purpose of training with large mini-batches. Args: base_learning_rate: the base learning rate steps_per_epoch: the number of iterations per epoch lr_sched_steps: the schedule as a list of steps, each of which is a ``[epoch, lr_factor]`` pair; the step occurs at epoch ``epoch`` and sets the learning rate to ``base_learning_rage * lr_factor`` warmup_length: if > 0, the learning rate will be modulated by a warmup factor that will linearly ramp-up from 0 to 1 over the first ``warmup_length`` epochs Returns: Function ``f(step) -> lr`` that computes the learning rate for a given step. """ logging.warning( 'Learning rate schedules in ```` are effectively deprecated ' 'in favor of Optax schedules. Please refer to ' '' ' for alternatives.' ) boundaries = [step[0] for step in lr_sched_steps] decays = [step[1] for step in lr_sched_steps] boundaries = np.array(boundaries) * steps_per_epoch boundaries = np.round(boundaries).astype(int) values = np.array([1.0] + decays) * base_learning_rate def learning_rate_fn(step): lr = _piecewise_constant(boundaries, values, step) if warmup_length > 0.0: lr = lr * jnp.minimum(1.0, step / float(warmup_length) / steps_per_epoch) return lr return learning_rate_fn
[docs]def create_cosine_learning_rate_schedule( base_learning_rate, steps_per_epoch, halfcos_epochs, warmup_length=0.0 ): """Create a cosine learning rate schedule with optional warmup. Note that with `FLIP #1009`_ learning rate schedules in ```` are **effectively deprecated** in favor of Optax_ schedules. Please refer to `Optimizer Schedules`_ for more information. .. _FLIP #1009: .. _Optax: .. _Optimizer Schedules: A cosine learning rate schedule modules the learning rate with half a cosine wave, gradually scaling it to 0 at the end of training. This function also offers a learing rate warmup as per, for the purpose of training with large mini-batches. Args: base_learning_rate: the base learning rate steps_per_epoch: the number of iterations per epoch halfcos_epochs: the number of epochs to complete half a cosine wave; normally the number of epochs used for training warmup_length: if > 0, the learning rate will be modulated by a warmup factor that will linearly ramp-up from 0 to 1 over the first ``warmup_length`` epochs Returns: Function ``f(step) -> lr`` that computes the learning rate for a given step. """ logging.warning( 'Learning rate schedules in ```` are effectively deprecated ' 'in favor of Optax schedules. Please refer to ' '' ' for alternatives.' ) halfwavelength_steps = halfcos_epochs * steps_per_epoch def learning_rate_fn(step): scale_factor = jnp.cos(step * jnp.pi / halfwavelength_steps) * 0.5 + 0.5 lr = base_learning_rate * scale_factor if warmup_length > 0.0: lr = lr * jnp.minimum(1.0, step / float(warmup_length) / steps_per_epoch) return lr return learning_rate_fn