Refactor RNNCellBase in FLIP#

Authors: Cristian Garcia, Marcus Chiam, Jasmijn Bastings

  • Start Date: May 1, 2023

  • FLIP Issue: [TBD]

  • FLIP PR: #3053

  • Status: Implementing


This proposal aims to improve the usability of the RNNCellBase class by refactoring the initialize_carry method and other relevant components.


Currently, initialize_carry is used to both initialize the carry and pass crucial metadata like the number of features. The API can be unintuitive as it requires users to manually calculate things that could typically be inferred by the modules themselves, such as the shape of batch dimensions and the shape of feature dimensions.

Example: ConvLSTM#

The current API can be unintuitive in cases like ConvLSTM where a the size parameter contains both the input image shape and output feature dimensions:

x = jnp.ones((2, 4, 4, 3)) # (batch, *image_shape, channels)

#                                        image shape: vvvvvvv
carry = nn.ConvLSTMCell.initialize_carry(key1, (16,), (64, 64, 16))
#                                   batch size: ^^             ^^ :output features

lstm = nn.ConvLSTMCell(features=6, kernel_size=(3, 3))
(carry, y), initial_params = lstm.init_with_output(key2, carry, x)

This FLIP will propose some changes to initialize_carry such that the previous example can be simplified to:

x = jnp.ones((2, 4, 4, 3)) # (batch, *image_shape, channels)

lstm = nn.ConvLSTMCell(features=6, kernel_size=(3, 3))
carry = lstm.initialize_carry(key1, input_shape=x.shape)

(carry, y), initial_params = lstm.init_with_output(key2, carry, x)


The proposal suggests the following changes:


initialize_carry should be refactored as an instance method with the following signature:

def initialize_carry(self, key, sample_input):

sample_input should be an array of the same shape that will be processed by the cell, excluding the time axis.

Refactor RNNCellBase subclasses#

RNNCellBase should be refactored to include the metadata required to initialize the cell and execute its forward pass. For LSTMCell and GRUCell, this means adding a features attribute that should be provided by the user upon construction. This change aligns with the structure of most other Modules, making them more familiar to users.

x = jnp.ones((2, 100, 10)) # (batch, time, features)

cell = nn.LSTMCell(features=32)
carry = cell.initialize_carry(PRNGKey(0), x[:, 0]) # sample input

(carry, y), variables = cell.init_with_output(PRNGKey(1), carry, x)


To simplify the handling of RNNCellBase instances in abstractions like RNN, each cell should implement the num_feature_dims property. For most cells, such as LSTMCell and GRUCell, this is always 1. For cells like ConvLSTM, this depends on their kernel_size.


Alternative Approaches#

  • To eliminate the need for num_feature_dims, RNN could support only a single batch dimension, i.e., inputs of the form (batch, time, *features). Currently, it supports both multiple batch dimensions and multiple feature dimensions.

  • Another approach could be a complete redesign of how Flax deals with recurrent states. For example, a memory collection could be handled as part of the variables. However, this introduces challenges such as handling stateless cells during training, passing state from one layer to another, and performing initialization inside scan.

Refactor Cost#

Initial TGP results showed 761 broken and 110 failed tests. However, after fixing one test, TGP results in 231 broken and 13 failed tests so there seems to be a lot of overlap between the broken tests.

To minimize refactor costs, the current implementation will be kept for Google internal users under a deprecated name. This will allow users to migrate to the new API at their own pace. For Open Source users we should bump Flax version to 0.7.0 so existing users can continue to depend on 0.6.x versions.