• Start Date: 2021-02-08

  • FLIP PR: #1011

  • FLIP Issue: #1009

Table of contents:


This FLIP proposes to replace our current flax.optim API (referred to as previous API in this document) with Optax, DeepMind’s optimizer library.


Our current API (referred to as previous API in this document) uses a pattern where an Optimizer dataclass is created from a pytree of target variables and from an OptimizerDef that defines how to update optimizer state, hyperparameters, and target variables. This pattern is relatively complex for implementing a simple optimizer, while being quite verbose in the typical Linen train step (especially when using mutable state collections).

This package flax.optim contains some optimizers, but that list is far from exhaustive and ideally we would instead use JAX optimizers from a dedicated PyPi package.

DeepMind already has a dedicated library — Optax — that implements a wide range of interesting optimizers and provides a framework to compose new optimizers from reusable gradient transformations.

Using Optax#

Gradient Transformations#

While Optax does provide predefined optimizers (like optax.adam, or optax.sgd with momentum), it is really a library of gradient transformations and the idiomatic way of instantiating an optimizer is by providing a combination of these gradient transformations. To emulate the momentum optimizer from the example when using the previous API we would write:

import optax

tx = optax.chain(
    optax.trace(decay=0.9, nesterov=False),
    optax.scale_by_schedule(lambda step: -get_learning_rate(step)),


  • Above gradient transformation would be equivalent with the example under Optimizer and OptimizerDef where we define a Momentum optimizer without Nesterov momentum (note that the beta parameter corresponds to the decay parameter of the optax.trace() transformation, and the learning rate is applied in a second chained transformation).

  • Note that hyper parameters like decay or nesterov only exist in the inner scope of the higher order functions returning the GradientTransformation. Such a gradient transformation is currently defined as a NamedTuple of the init() and the update() function. In principle this pattern could be extended to also store hyperparameters, maybe a point to discuss on the Optax repo.

  • We can use a get_learning_rate() that returns the learning rate depending on the step number when defining the Optax gradient update transformation. Above code illustrates how this can be a drop-in replacement for a function we also use in our previous training step, where this update function already exists (notice how we need to invert the sign because we add the gradient update to the parameters). In addition, you can use inject_hyperparams() to schedule arbitrary hyper parameters with Optax.

Optax Training Step#

@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(4, 5))
def train_step(opt_state, variables, inputs, labels, apply_fn, tx_update_fn):

  def loss_fn(params):
    logits, new_model_state = apply_fn(
        {**variables, 'params': params}, inputs, mutable=['batch_stats'])
    loss = xent_loss(logits, labels)
    return loss, new_model_state

  variables, params = variables.pop('params')
  (loss, new_model_state), grads = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn, has_aux=True)(
  updates, new_opt_state = tx_update_fn(grads, opt_state, params)
  new_params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
  new_variables = {**variables, **new_model_state, 'params': new_params}
  return new_opt_state, new_variables, loss

opt_state = tx.init(variables['params'])
for batch in ds.as_numpy_iterator():
  opt_state, variables, loss = train_step(
      opt_state, variables, batch['image'], batch['label'], model.apply,


  • Since tx.update() only transforms the gradient, we still need to call optax.apply_updates() to apply these transformed gradients to the parameters.

  • Compared with the previous API, we can now keep the entire variables including the params as an input and output to the train_step().

  • Splitting params from variables is still necessary inside the train step because we only want to compute gradients with respect to params and not the entire variables.

  • We can still log internal optimizer state, such as the learning rate, as long as Optax transformations expose that information in their respective state. For example, optax.scale_by_schedule() currently only exposes opt_state.count but could easily be extend to also expose the step_size. The same is true for internal optimizer states that change over time.

Multi Optimizer#

The previous API defined flax.optim.MultiOptimizer for processing different parts of the parameter tree with different optimizers:

biases_traversal = flax.optim.ModelParamTraversal(
    lambda path, _: path.endswith('/bias'))
not_biases_traversal = flax.optim.ModelParamTraversal(
    lambda path, _: not path.endswith('/bias'))

optimizer_def = flax.optim.MultiOptimizer(
    (biases_traversal, flax.optim.GradientDescent(learning_rate=0.1)),
    (not_biases_traversal, flax.optim.GradientDescent(learning_rate=0.05)),

Note how we first define a traversal that selects parameters based on their path (which is the concatenation of module scopes and variable name), and then create a MultiOptimizer that binds a different optimizer for each of these separate traversals.

Optax has recently implemented optax.masked() that can be used for specifying gradient transformations that only applied to a subset of the gradients:

def flattened_traversal(fn):
  def mask(data):
    flat = traverse_util.flatten_dict(data)
    return traverse_util.unflatten_dict({k: fn(k, v) for k, v in flat.items()})
  return mask

tx = optax.chain(
                 mask=flattened_traversal(lambda path, _: path[-1] == 'bias')),
                 mask=flattened_traversal(lambda path, _: path[-1] != 'bias')),

Train State#

In Flax it is common to hand around a TrainState object that can then be used for checkpointing. This simplifies the above Optax training step a bit by reducing the number of arguments and getting rid of the static_argnums.

We can define a TrainState dataclass that wraps the common pattern of updating the optimizer state and parameters by applying the gradients.

# Small helper class in flax.training
class TrainState(flax.struct.PyTreeNode):
  step: int
  apply_fn: Callable = flax.struct.field(pytree_node=False)
  params: flax.core.FrozenDict[str, Any]
  tx: optax.GradientTransformation = flax.struct.field(pytree_node=False)
  opt_state: optax.OptState

  def apply_gradients(self, *, grads, **kwargs):
    updates, new_opt_state = self.tx.update(
        grads, self.opt_state, self.params)
    new_params = optax.apply_updates(self.params, updates)
    return self.replace(
        step=self.step + 1,

  def create(cls, *, apply_fn, params, tx, **kwargs):
    opt_state = tx.init(params)
    return cls(

Users can then derive from this dataclass and add more fields, for example mutable model state:

from flax.training import train_state

class TrainState(train_state.TrainState):
  batch_stats: flax.core.FrozenDict[str, Any]

With this the Optax Training Step becomes:

def train_step(state, inputs, labels):

  def loss_fn(params):
    outputs, new_model_state = state.apply_fn(
        {'params': params, 'batch_stats': state.batch_stats},
    loss = xent_loss(outputs, labels)
    return loss, new_model_state

  (loss, new_model_state), grads = jax.value_and_grad(
      loss_fn, has_aux=True)(state.params)
  new_state = state.apply_gradients(

  return new_state, loss

state = TrainState.create(
for batch in ds.as_numpy_iterator():
  state, loss = train_step(state, batch['image'], batch['label'])

The train step without mutable state reduces to:

def train_step(state, inputs, labels):

  def loss_fn(params):
    outputs = state.apply_fn({'params': params}, inputs)
    loss = xent_loss(outputs, labels)
    return loss

  loss, grads = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn)(state.params)
  new_state = state.update(grads=grads)

  return new_state, loss

state = flax.training.TrainState.create(
for batch in ds.as_numpy_iterator():
  state, loss = train_step(state, batch['image'], batch['label'])


  • It is a common pattern in Flax training loops to have a TrainState dataclass that is updated with new state after every step.

  • The simple solution proposed in flax.training.train_state an be extended with additional data, but advanced usecases (e.g. multiple different models and/or optimizers) are not supported. Users should instead fork the dataclass and re-implement it to their needs.

  • As opposed to the Optimizer abstraction in the previous API, the TrainState now directly contains the .params, without having to to through .optimizer

Previous API#

Optimizer and OptimizerDef#

The optimizer itself would be implemented by creating a new class derived from OpimizerDef:

# flax/optim/momentum.py

class _MomentumHyperParams:
  learning_rate: jnp.ndarray
  beta: jnp.ndarray

class _MomentumParamState:
  momentum: np.ndarray

class Momentum(flax.optim.OptimizerDef):

  def __init__(self, learning_rate=None, beta=0.9):
      _MomentumHyperParams(learning_rate, beta)

  def init_param_state(self, param):
    return _MomentumParamState(jnp.zeros_like(param))

  def apply_param_gradient(self, step, hyper_params, param, state, grad):
    del step
    assert hyper_params.learning_rate is not None
    new_momentum = state.momentum * hyper_params.beta + grad
    new_params = param - hyper_params.learning_rate * new_momentum
    return new_params, _MomentumParamState(new_momentum)


  • Note the relationship between OptimizerDef and Optimizer : When the function Optimizer.apply_gradient() is called from the user code, it calls into OptimizerDef.apply_gradient() (among other things) which in turn will call OptimizerDef.apply_param_gradient() (implemented by subclasses of OptimizerDef).

  • The functions init_param_state() and apply_param_gradient() are called for every leaf in the params/grads pytree. This makes it possible to write the calculations directly without jax.tree_util.tree_map().

  • The interface was defined in pre-Linen without the distinction of params vs. other collections in variables in mind. The original API was elegant because one only needed to pass around the optimizer, which included the parameters, optimizer state, optimizer hyperparameters, and a reference to the OptimizerDef to perform the param/state update.

Previous Training Step#

An optimizer would first be constructed from its definition and the pytree of target params:

optimizer_def = flax.optim.Momentum(learning_rate=0.1, beta=0.9)
optimizer = optimizer_def.create(variables['params'])

Then, the target variables would optimized in the train step (assuming a single non-params collection “batch_stats”):

def make_train_step(apply_fn):
  def train_step(optimizer, batch_stats, inputs, labels):

    def loss_fn(params):
      variables = {'params': params, 'batch_stats': batch_stats}
      logits, new_model_state = apply_fn(
          variables, inputs, mutable=['batch_stats'])
      loss = xent_loss(logits, labels)
      return loss, new_model_state['batch_stats']

    (loss, new_batch_stats), grad = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn, has_aux=True)(
    lr = get_learning_rate(step)
    new_optimizer = optimizer.apply_gradient(grad, learning_rate=lr)
    return new_optimizer, new_batch_stats, loss

  return train_step

batch_stats = variables['batch_stats']
train_step = make_train_step(model.apply)
for step, batch in enumerate(ds)
  optimizer, batch_stats, loss = train_step(
      optimizer, batch_stats, batch['image'], batch['label'])


  • Notice how optimizer.apply_gradient() can take additional arguments to update hyperparameters, such as learning rate from an independent function get_learning_rate() in this case.

Update Plan#

  1. Finalize discussions on this FLIP

  2. Add equivalence tests to Optax that guarantee that existing flax.optim optimizers return identical values with corresponding optax optimizers.

  3. Update examples to use Optax and verify that they reach the same final performance with the same computational cost.

  4. Port missing optimizers to Optax (e.g. Adafactor) - and verify above points.

  5. Update all documentation (including README, Flax guided tour, HOWTOs, …) to talk exclusively about Optax optimizers.

  6. Create a transition guide for updating users from flax.optim to using Optax. This transition guide should also point to Optax’s equivalence tests and the pull requests updating the examples.

  7. Mark optimizers in flax.optim as deprecated.

Note that all current Flax examples use an optimizer that is already available in Optax:








DynamicScale can be used unchanged.






















(Flax’s Adam implementation has an optional parameter for weight decay, but in Optax Adam with and without weight decay are two different aliases.)


Setup Code#

The following setup code can be used for running the code snippets in this FLIP:

import functools
from typing import Callable, Sequence

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import flax
import flax.linen as nn
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

def pp(features):
  return {
      'image': tf.cast(features['image'], tf.float32) / 255 - 0.5,
      'label': features['label'],

class Model(nn.Module):

  def __call__(self, inputs):
    x = inputs.reshape([inputs.shape[0], -1])
    x = nn.normalization.BatchNorm(True)(x)
    x = nn.Dense(10)(x)
    x = nn.log_softmax(x)
    return x

def onehot(labels, num_classes, on_value=1.0, off_value=0.0):
  x = (labels[..., None] == jnp.arange(num_classes)[None])
  x = jax.lax.select(
      x, jnp.full(x.shape, on_value), jnp.full(x.shape, off_value))
  return x.astype(jnp.float32)

def xent_loss(logits, labels):
  return -jnp.sum(
      onehot(labels, num_classes=10) * logits) / labels.size

def get_learning_rate(step):
  return 0.1

model = Model()
rng = jax.random.key(0)
ds = tfds.load('mnist')['train'].take(160).map(pp).batch(16)
batch = next(iter(ds))
variables = model.init(rng, jnp.array(batch['image'][:1]))
jax.tree_util.tree_map(jnp.shape, variables)